森栗 茂一
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.57, pp.p95-127, 1994-03

仏教には,水子を祀るという教義はないし,水子を各家で祀るという祖先祭祀も,前近代の日本にはまったくなかった。にもかかわらず,今日,「水子の霊が崇るので水子供養をしなければならない」と,人々に噂されるのはなにゆえであろうか。いわゆる1970年代におこり,80年代にブームを迎えた水子供養が,すでに20年を経過した今日,これを一つの民俗として研究してみる必要があろう。前近代の日本では生存可能数以上の子供が生まれた場合,これをどのように処理してきたか。一つには,予め拾われることを予期して,捨て子にする風があった。捨て子は,強く育つと信じられ,わざわざ捨吉などの名前をつけたこともあった。しかし,社会が育ててくれる余裕がないと思えるとき,間引きや堕胎がおこなわれた。暮らしていけないがゆえの間引きや堕胎を,人々は「モドス」「カエル」と言って,合理化してきた。実際,当時の新生児の生存率は低く,自然死・人為死に関わらず,その魂が直ちに再生すると信じて,特別簡略な葬法をした。それでも,姙娠した女が子供を亡くすということは,女の心身にとっては痛みであり,悩みがないわけではない。しかも,明治時代以降の近代家族が誕生するにあたって,女は「良妻賢母」「産めよ増やせよ」「子なきは去れ」と,仕事を持たない「産の性」に限定された。そのため,女は身体の痛みの上に,社会的育徳という痛みを積み上げられた。そんな悲痛な叫びが,水子供養の習俗に表れている。ところが,この女の叫びは,宗教活動の方向と経営を見失った寺院のマーケットにされてしまう。寺院や新宗教の販売戦略,心霊学と称するライターによって演出され,読み捨て週刊誌に取り上げられてひろまった。明治時代以降の近代家族は,男の論理による産業システムのためのものであった。その最高潮である60年代の高度経済成長が終わった70年代に入って,水子供養が出てきていることは興味深い。産業社会の幻影が,女を水子供養に走らせた。その女を,寺院は顧客として受け入れた。こうして,女は金に囲いこまれて,水子という不安に追い込まれ,水子供養という安心に追い込まれていったのである。そこで,彼女らの残した絵馬を分析することで,女の追い詰められた心理の一端を,分析してみたいと思う。Buddhism does not teach that prayers should be offered for the spirits of miscarried babies, nor did ancestor worship in pre-modern Japan include the practice at the domestic level. This being so, why is it that today it is commonly said in Japanese society that 'Mizugo kuyō must be performed, or the spirit of the dead baby will haunt you'? The practice of mizugo kuyō started in the 1970's, becoming extremely popular in the 1980's; now, twenty years on, the practice needs to be studied as an ethnic custom.What was done in pre-modern Japan when more children were born than could be supported? Abortion or killing at birth of a child that could not be supported, became a rationalized act, commonly referred to as 'returning' the child. The survival rate of new-born infants at that time was in fact low, and a particularly simple funeral service was held in the belief that, regardless of whether the death was natural or induced, the spirit of such a child would be immediately reborn.Even so, for a pregnant woman the loss of her child is both a physical and a spiritual blow, which no woman can undergo without suffering. Added to which, the birth of the modern family from the Meiji Period onward, with such slogans as 'Good wife, wise mother', and 'Revile the barren', defined woman as the 'breeding sex', with no other work to perform. Thus the pain of social immorality was added to the woman's physical pain. The cry of grief that this produced is apparent in the practice of mizugo kuyō.However, this female cry was made into a market for the temples, which had lost sight of the direction of their religious activities, and were in administrative straits. It was played upon by the sales strategies of the temples and the 'New Religions' and writers calling themselves psychists, and spread through the pages of cheap weekly magazines.The modern family after the Meiji Period was something that existed solely for the sake of the industrial system according to male logic. It is interesting to note that the practice of mizugo kuyō appeared in the 1970's, when economic growth had passed the peak it reached in the 1960's. The illusions of the industrial society made women turn to mizugo kuyō; and the temples accepted these women as customers. Thus women found themselves besieged by unrest over their miscarried babies, they were driven toward the relief to be found in mizugo kuyō.Accordingly, I would like to analyze, by means of an analysis of the ema (votive pictures) left by these beleaguered women, some part of their state of mind.
鵜澤 由美
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.141, pp.225-263, 2008-03

佐藤 健二
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.165, pp.13-45[含 英語文要旨], 2011-03

本稿は近代日本における「民俗学史」を構築するための基礎作業である。学史の構築は、それ自体が「比較」の実践であり、その学問の現在のありようを相対化して再考し、いわば「総体化」ともいうべき立場を模索する契機となる。先行するいくつかの学史記述の歴史認識を対象に、雑誌を含む「刊行物・著作物」や、研究団体への注目が、理念的・実証的にどのように押さえられてきたかを批判的に検討し、「柳田国男中心主義」からの脱却を掲げる試みにおいてもまた、地方雑誌の果たした固有の役割がじつは軽視され、抽象的な「日本民俗学史」に止められてきた事実を明らかにする。そこから、近代日本のそれぞれの地域における、いわゆる「民俗学」「郷土研究」「郷土教育」の受容や成長のしかたの違いという主題を取り出す。糸魚川の郷土研究の歴史は、相馬御風のような文学者の関与を改めて考察すべき論点として加え、また『青木重孝著作集』(現在一五冊刊行)のような、地方で活躍した民俗学者のテクスト共有の地道で貴重な試みがもつ可能性を浮かびあがらせる。また、澤田四郎作を中心とした「大阪民俗談話会」の活動記録は、「場としての民俗学」の分析が、近代日本の民俗学史の研究において必要であることを暗示する。民俗学に対する複数の興味関心が交錯し、多様な特質をもつ研究主体が交流した「場」の分析はまた、理論史としての学史とは異なる、方法史・実践史としての学史認識の重要性という理論的課題をも開くだろう。最後に、歴史記述の一般的な技術としての「年表」の功罪の自覚から、柳田と同時代の歴史家でもあったマルク・ブロックの「起源の問題」をとりあげて、安易な「比較民俗学」への同調のもつ危うさとともに、探索・博捜・蓄積につとめる「博物学」的なアプローチと相補いあう、変数としてのカテゴリーの構成を追究する「代数学」的なアプローチが、民俗学史の研究において求められているという現状認識を掲げる。This essay represents a preliminary attempt at constructing a "history of folklore studies" in the context of modern Japan. Because of the overwhelming number and range of studies documenting aspects of the Japanese folklore movement, it is necessary to engage in a process of "comparison," as Émile Durkheim advocated. By reconsidering the current state of the field, we can investigate alternative ways of studying the subject from a "relativistic" or "holistic" perspective. This essay takes into account how previous historical studies took into account publications issued in local areas or by local research groups, and attempts to rectify the scholarly neglect of such contributions. Historical studies to date as a rule do not fully take into account concrete evidence provided by local folklore studies, even if they try to avoid so-called "Yanagita Kunio centricity." By shifting our stance, we can take up issues concerning approaches taken up by researchers involving minzokugaku (folklore studies) on a localized level, kyōdo kenkyū (research on local history and culture), or kyōdo kyōiku (methods of teaching local history and culture).For instance, through the investigation of the local history of folklore studies in Itoigawa, I have stressed the importance studying the work of a literary figure such as Sôma Gyofû. I have also taken into account the painstaking efforts involved in the publication of the discoveries of local researchers such as The Collected Works of Aoki Shigetaka (15 volumes published to date). Similarly, the research and compilation of proceedings of the Ōsaka Minzoku Danwa Kai (Osaka Folklore Discussion Society), led by Sawada Shirosaku, suggests that consideration of the "place," where the local folklore studies were born plays an crucial role in the subsequent construction of a history of folklore in modern times. The investigation of the "place," where multiple interests were exchanged and diverse persons interacted with each other can open the way to a revised history of "practice" and "method," which differs greatly from a history according to "paradigm" and "theory." In this essay, I evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the use of "chronological tables." The "problem of origin," as proposed by Marc Bloch, who was a close contemporary of Yanagita, is also raised. Furthermore, I propose that an "algebraic" approach, which treats the composition of categories as variables or values and analyses the relation of variables. Such a methodology, while contributing the construction of a revised history of modern Japanese folklore studies, also incorporates what might be called "ecological" or "natural historical" approaches, which focus on searching for research material on a widespread basis and acquiring material objects that are required for study.
春成 秀爾
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.90, pp.1-52, 2001-03

「日本の旧石器人」は,ナウマンゾウ・ヤベオオツノジカ・ステップバイソン(野牛)などを狩りの対象にしていた。しかし,これらの大形獣は自然環境の変化によって,あるいは,人によるオーバーキル(殺し過ぎ)の結果,更新世の終わりごろに相ついで絶滅した。完新世になると,代わってニホンジカとイノシシが繁殖したので,縄文人はこれらの中形獣を弓矢で狩りした。長野県野尻湖の発掘の成果を総括する形で現在,このような考え方が学界で広く受け入れられようとしている。しかし,この考え方に関する資料や検討はまだ十分でなく,一つの仮説にとどまる。ナイフ形石器・剥片などが集中的に分布するブロック(径4~6m)がいくつも環状(径20~50m)にめぐる規模の大きな旧石器時代後期の遺跡があり,大形獣を狩猟するために人々が一時的にたくさん集まった跡と解釈されている。このような遺跡は約33,000~28,000年前に限ってみられる。また,大形動物の解体具と推定される刃部磨製石斧もこの時期に多い。ナウマンゾウやオオツノジカを狩っていたのは,28,000年前ごろまでで,以後もそれらの大形獣は生存していたとしても,その数は著しく減少しており,寒冷期がまだつづいている15,000年前ごろにはこれらの大形獣はほぼ絶滅してしまったようである。それをオーバーキルの結果だと主張するためには,狩猟の対象とは考えにくい猛獣のトラ・ヒョウなどや,大量にいた食虫類のニホンモグラジネズミや齧歯類のニホンムカシハタネズミ・ブラントハタネズミなどが,同じころに絶滅している事実との違いを適切に説明しなければならない。大形獣の絶滅問題に関しては,オーバーキルだけでなく,更新世後期の気候の細かな変化や火山灰の降下に起因する自然環境の変化との関連をいっそう追究する必要がある。The Palaeolithic hunters of Japan hunted animals such as Palaeoloxodon naumanni (Nauman's Elephant), Sinomegacerus yabei (Yabe's Giant Fallow Deer) and Bison priscus (Steppe Bison). However, these big game became extinct one after another in the late Late Pleistocene epoch because of the change of natural environment and the over-kill by humans. In the Holocene, animals such as Cervus nippon (Japanese Deer) and Sus scrofa (wild boar) took the place of big game and the Jomon people hunted these middle sized animals with the bow and arrow. The above view is at present widely acknowledged academically after the excavation of Nojiri Lake in Nagano Prefecture. However, it needs more research and investigation.The circular site (20~50 m in diameter) of blocks (3~5m in diameter) which intensively contain knife blades and flakes made of stone are considered to have been places where Palaeolithic hunters gathered together temporarily in order to hunt big game. This kind of site is unique to the early Late Palaeolithic epoch (about 33,000 to 28,000 B.R). Moreover, many stone axes with ground blades, which are supposed to have been used for butchering big game, are also found from this period. The hunting of Palaeoloxodon naumanni or Sinomegaceros yabei was presumably done until around 28,000 B.P. After that, these animals considerably decreased in number, and seem to have become extinct around 15,000 B.P. In order to affirm their extinction because of over-killing, we must prepare an adequate explanation about the fact that at around the same time, carnivorous and ferocious animals such as the Panthera tigris (tiger), Panthera pardus (leopard) or insectivorous animals like Anourosorex japonicus (a kind of shrew), rodents like the Microtus epiratticepoides (a kind of field voles), Microtus brandtiodes (ditto), became extinct also. These animals are hard to be considered as targets of over-killing. Beside the over-kill, we must search harder for the relationship between the detailed climate change in the Late Pleistocene epoch, the change of natural environment caused by the fall of volcanic ash and the extinctions of the big mammals. Furthermore, according to a palaeontological study, as early as the Middle Pleistocene, Cervus grayi (or Cervus grayi katokiyomasai), the ancestor of the Cervus nippon, Sus scrofa and Sus lydekkeri had crossed over to Japan; at least C. grayi katokiyomasai was already increasing. The Palaeolithic people in Japan made many trap pits and their targets may well have been wild boar. In fact we should suppose that the Palaeolithic people hunted extensively both deer and wild boar.
大藤 修
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.141, pp.173-223, 2008-03

本稿は、秋田藩佐竹家子女の近世前半期における誕生・成育・成人儀礼と名前について検討し、併せて徳川将軍家との比較を試みるもので、次の二点を課題とする。第一は、幕藩制のシステムに組み込まれ、国家公権を将軍から委任されて領域の統治に当たる「公儀」の家として位置づけられた近世大名家の男子は、どのような通過儀礼を経て社会化され政治的存在となったか、そこにどのような特徴が見出せるか、この点を嫡子=嗣子と庶子の別を踏まえ、名前の問題と関連づけて考察すること。その際、徳川将軍家男子の儀礼・名前と比較検討する。第二は、女子の人生儀礼と名前についても検討し、男子のそれとの比較を通じて近世のジェンダー性に迫ること。従来、人生儀礼を構成する諸儀礼が個別に分析されてきたが、本稿では一連のものとして系統的に分析して、個々の儀礼の位置づけ、相互連関と意味を考察し、併せて名前も検討することによって、次の点を明らかにした。①幕藩制国家の「公儀」の家として国家公権を担う将軍家と大名家の男子の成育・成人儀礼は、政治的な日程から執行時期が決められるケースがあったが、女子にはそうした事例はみられないこと。②男子の「成人」は、政治的・社会的な成人範疇と肉体的な成人範疇に分化し、とりわけ嫡子は政治的・社会的な「成人」化が急がれたものの、肉体的にも精神的にも大人になってから江戸藩邸において「奥」から「表」へと生活空間を移し、そのうえで初入部していたこと。幼少の藩主も同様であったこと。これは君主の身体性と関わる。③女子の成人儀礼は身体的儀礼のみで、改名儀礼や政治的な儀礼はしていないこと。④男子の名前は帰属する家・一族のメンバー・シップや系譜関係、ライフサイクルと家・社会・国家における位置づけ=身分を表示しているのに対し、女子の名前にはそうした機能はないこと。This paper explores the birth ceremony, the raising ceremony, and the coming-of-age ceremony of the children of The Satake Family in Akita Han in the first half of the early modern period, and it compares the ceremonies to those of the Tokugawa family. First, this study considers how a son of Daimyo family was socialized and became a political being through several kinds of initiation ceremonies. The family was integrated in the Baku-han system and was placed, as a family of kougi, with the delegated public authority to rule its fief from the Shogunate. The main characteristics of this process can be extracted by focusing on the differences between a legitimate son and an illegitimate son, including the problem of naming, and this is compared to the cases of the Tokugawa family. Second, this paper considers initiation ceremonies and naming of daughters to analyze gender differences in early modern Japan.In previous studies, life ceremonies were examined separately. This paper attempts to consider systemically those ceremonies as a whole, placing and focusing the meaning of each ceremony, including the problem of naming. This study shows, first, how ceremonies of sons of the Tokugawa and the Satake, both families of kogi, were scheduled by political intention, while daughters' ceremonies were not. Second, a son's attaining of manhood was divided into political, social and physical categories. A legitimate son was supposed to attain political and social manhood in haste, but he could only move from oku to omote and enter his fief after he had grown up physically and mentally at his Han's house in Edo. Third, the coming-of-age ceremony for a daughter was only limited physically, not politically, nor did she need a name changing ceremony. Finally, a son's name indicated his membership and genealogical relationship in the family and the clan, his life cycle, and his position (class) in the family, society and state, while a daughter's name did not.
田村 省三
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.116, pp.209-234, 2004-02

本稿は、日本の近代化の先駆けであり、薩摩藩の近代科学技術の導入とその実践の場であった「集成館事業」の背景としての視点から、薩摩藩の蘭学受容の実際とその変遷について考察したものである。薩摩藩の蘭学は、近世における博物学への関心と島津重豪の蘭学趣味から出発し、オランダ通詞の招聘や蘭方医の採用をとおして、しだいに領内に普及していった。そして、蘭学が重用され急速に普及していったのは島津斉彬の時代であり、藩が強力に推進した「集成館事業」の周辺に顕著であった。しかし、藩士たちの蘭学の修得については、中央から遠く離れた地域性や経済的な困難もあって、江戸や大阪への遊学は他の地域に比べて少なかった。むしろ、中央の優秀な蘭学者を藩士に採用したり、蘭学者たちとの人脈を活用するという傾向が強かったと思われる。ただし長崎への遊学は、例外であった。薩摩藩の蘭学普及は、藩主導で推進されている。したがって地域蘭学の立場からすれば、同時代の諸藩とはその目的、内容と規模、普及の事情に相違がみられる。一方で、蘭学普及の余慶がまったく領内の諸地域には及んでいなかったのかと言えばそうではない。このたび、地域蘭学の存在を肯定することのできる種痘の事例を確認することができた。それは、長崎でモーニッケから種痘の指導を受けた前田杏斎の種痘術が、領内の高岡や種子島の医師たちに伝えられ実施されたという記録によってである。また薩摩藩は薩英戦争の直後、藩の近代化を加速するため、洋学の修得を目的とした「開成所」を設置する。ここでは当初蘭学の学習が重んじられていたが、しだいに英学の重要性が増していった。さらに明治二年、国の独医学採用に伴い、藩が英医ウィリアム・ウィリスを招聘して病院と医学校を設置してから、英国流の医学が急速に普及する。この地域が本格的に西洋医学の恩恵を受けるのは、以降のことである。This paper examines the situation surrounding the acceptance of Rangaku by the Satsuma feudal domain and the changes it underwent from the perspective of the Shuseikan Project, the site of the introduction of modern science and technology by the Satsuma feudal domain, which stood at the vanguard of modernization in Japan.Rangaku in the Satsuma feudal domain was started by an interest in natural history during the Early Modern Period and the interest in Rangaku by Shimazu Shigehide, and gradually spread within the domain through invitations to Dutch translators and the employment of physicians who practiced Western medicine. Rangaku became important and spread rapidly during the time of Shimazu Nariakira when it became prominent in connection with the Shuseikan Project undertaken with great vigor by the domain. However, the acquisition of Rangaku learning by the domain's retainers was less than that of retainers from other regions who went to Edo or Osaka to study, partly because of the distance between the domain and these centers of activity as well as economic difficulties. Instead, outstanding Rangaku scholars from the huge urban centers of Osaka and Edo were employed by retainers who made effective use of the personal connections they formed with these Rangaku scholars. Still, travel to Nagasaki to study there was the exception.The spread of Rangaku within the Satsuma feudal domain was driven by the domain's leadership. Therefore, viewed from the standpoint of regional Rangaku differences can be seen in the objectives, contents, scale and circumstances of its adoption by the Satsuma domain and other feudal domains during the same period. And it is not true that the benefits of this dissemination of Rangaku did not extend to every region within the domain. During the research undertaken for this paper it was possible to confirm examples of vaccinations, which in itself affirms the existence of regional Rangaku. This confirmation is found in records showing that the vaccination techniques of Maeda Kyosai, who received instruction in vaccination by the Dutch doctor Otto Mohnike in Nagasaki, was passed on to physicians working in Takaoka and Tanegashima, who then carried out vaccinations themselves.Immediately after the Satsuma-Anglo War the Satsuma domain established the Kaiseijo academy for the purpose of acquiring Western studies that would accelerate modernization within the domain. At first, Rangaku was given precedence at the academy, but factors such as world trends and relations between the Satsuma domain and Britain after the Satsuma-Anglo War saw British studies steadily gain more and more importance. Then, the invitation issued by Satsuma to the British doctor William Willis in 1869 to establish a hospital and medical school that accompanied the adoption by the Japanese state of German medicine resulted in the rapid adoption of British medicine. It was only after this that the region began to receive the full benefits of Western medicine.
樋口 雄彦
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.108, pp.203-225, 2003-10

明治維新後、禄を失い生計の道を絶たれ窮乏化を余儀なくされた士族によって各地で入植・開墾が行われた。わずか七十万石に圧縮された静岡藩では、膨大な数の旧旗本・御家人を無禄移住という形で受け入れたため、立藩当初から家臣団の土着が進められ、荒蕪地の開墾が奨励された。廃藩後は県による支援も行われ、士族授産事業が推進された。しかし、同時期、藩や県からの経済的援助を受けることなく、独力で茶園の開拓に取り組んだ少数の旧幕臣グループがいた。赤松則良・林洞海・渡部温・藤沢次謙・矢田堀鴻らである。矢田堀・赤松は長崎海軍伝習所出身の幕府海軍幹部・エリート士官、林は佐倉順天堂ゆかりの蘭方医、渡部は開成所で教鞭をとった英学者、藤沢は蘭学一家桂川家に生まれた幕府陸軍の幹部であったが、いずれも静岡藩では沼津兵学校や沼津病院に職を奉じていた。藩の公職に就いた彼らには、無禄移住者とは違い、「食うため」には困らないだけの十分な俸給が与えられたのであるが、明治二年(一八六九)以降遠州での開拓・茶園経営に、あえて自らの資産を投入した。洋学知識や洋行経験を有していた彼らは、土質や害虫を研究し、先進地の製茶法を導入したり、アメリカへの直輸出を図ったりと、科学や情報によって地場産業を改良する役割を果たした。しかし、その行動は、苦しい藩財政を助けたり、国益を目指したりといった「公」を意識した動機のみによるものではなく、むしろ個人の営利・蓄財を目的とした私的経済活動としての側面が大きかった。廃藩に前後して上京、優れた能力を買われ一旦は明治政府に出仕した彼らであるが、遠州の茶園はそのまま維持された。海軍中将・男爵となった赤松は退役後には遠州に隠棲し、明治初年以来の念願だった田園生活を楽しむ。茶園開拓をめぐる赤松らの言動からは、官にあるか野にあるかを問わず、「一身独立」を率先実行した近代的人間像が見えてくる。Sliding towards poverty from the loss of stipends and livelihood following the Meiji Resoration, shizoku (former samurai) became involved in land settlement and reclamation projects around the countury. Shizuoka Domain, which had been reduced to a mere 70,000 koku, absorbed vast numbers of former hatamoto and gokenin relocated to the area without remuneration. From the domain's inception in 1868 (Meiji 1), the indigenization of retainer bands moved quickly as shizoku were encouraged to cultivate unopened lands. Following the domain's replacement by Shizuoka Prefecture, the prefecture continued to lend support to programs that encouraged shizoku businesses.At the same time that the domain, then prefecture, were lending support to shizoku, a small group of former Bakufu retainers began to cultivate tea independently without economic support from either government. Its members included Akamatsu Noriyoshi, Hayashi Dokai, Watanabe On, Fujisawa Tsuguyoshi, and Yatabori Ko. Yatabori and Akamatsu were both elite officers, products of the Nagasaki naval training center who had held executive positions in the Bakufu navy. Hayashi was a Dutch-medicine doctor with ties to the Juntendo in Sakura, while Watanabe was an England Studies scholar who taught at the Kaiseisho. Fujisawa was born to the Katsuragawa family of Dutch Studies scholars and had held an executive post in the Bakufu army. Each held positions in Shizuoka at either the domain's military academy or its hospital in Numazu. With official posts in the domain government, they differed from the unremunerated relocates and had incomes sufficient to "feed themselves." Still, beginning in 1869 (Meiji 2) they began to cultivate tea as a business in the Totomi region using only their own funds.With their knowledge and experience of the West, they studied soil and vermin, implemented the latest techniques of tea cultivation, and attempted direct export to America. With the science and information they brought to their business, they contributed significantly to the improvement of local industry. Yet, while their actions did aid the finances of a troubled domain and contributed to the benefit of the,nation, they were not exclusively motivated by "public" consciousness. Indeed, their activities were in large part private economic activities aimed at individual gain and wealth.Following the domain's dissolution they relocated to the capital where their outstanding talents were put to use in the service of the Meiji government. They continued to operate their tea plantation in Totomi, however. Following his retirement to the area, vice-admiral and baron Akamatsu pursued his early Meiji hope of enjoying life in the country. Whether in office or the countryside, the actions taken by Akamatsu and the others in the cultivation of tea cast an image of modern individuals at the forefront of "self-reliance".
山本 志乃
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.155, pp.1-19[含 英語文要旨], 2010-03

鯨井 千佐登
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.174, pp.145-182, 2012-03

小池 淳一
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.165, pp.47-62, 2011-03

樋口 雄彦
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.109, pp.47-93, 2004-03

維新後、旧幕臣は、徳川家に従い静岡へ移住するか、新政府に仕え朝臣となるか、帰農・帰商するかという選択を迫られた。一方、脱走・抗戦という第四の選択肢を選んだ者もいた。箱館五稜郭で官軍に降伏するまで戦った彼らの中には、洋学系の人材が豊富に含まれていた。榎本武揚ら幹部数名を除き、大多数の箱館戦争降伏人は明治三年(一八七〇)までには謹慎処分を解かれ、静岡藩に帰参する。一部の有能な降伏人は静岡・沼津の藩校等に採用されたが、「人減らし」を余儀なくされていた藩の内情では、ほとんどの者は一代限りの藩士身分と三人扶持という最低の扶持米を保障されることが精一杯であった。勝海舟は、箱館降伏人のうち優れた人物を選び、明治政府へ出仕させたり、他藩へ派遣したりといった方法で、藩外で活用しようとした。降伏人が他藩の教育・軍事の指導者として派遣された事例として、和歌山・津山・名古屋・福井等の諸藩への「御貸人」が知られる。なお、御貸人には、帰参した降伏人を静岡藩が直接派遣した場合と、諸藩に預けられ謹慎生活を送っていた降伏人がそのまま現地で採用された場合とがあった。一方、剣客・志士的資質を有した降伏人の中には、敵として戦った鹿児島藩に率先遊学し、同藩の質実剛健な士風に感化され、静岡藩で新たな教育機関の設立を発起する動きも現れた。人見寧が静岡に設立した集学所がそれで、士風刷新を目指し、文武両道を教えるとともに、他藩士との交遊も重視した。鹿児島藩遊学とそれがもたらした集学所は、藩内と藩内外での横の交流や自己修養を意図したものであり、洋学を通じ藩や国家に役立つ人材を下から上へ吸い上げるべく創られた静岡学問所・沼津兵学校とは全く違う意義をもつものだった。After the restoration of Emperor Meiji, vassals of the former Bakufu were faced with the option of moving to Shizuoka with the Tokugawa family, becoming court nobles who entered the service of the new government, or returning to farming or commerce. There were also those who chose the fourth option of escaping and taking part in the resistane. Many of the vassals who fought at the Goryokaku in Hakodate until they surrendered to the government forces had undertaken Western studies. With the exception of Enomoto Takeaki and several other high-ranking officials, most of the men who surrendered during the Battle of Hakodate were able to avoid confinement and returned to the Shizuoka feudal domain before 1870. Some of the competent among them were employed by domain schools in Shizuoka and Numazu. However, the situation inside the Shizuoka domain was such that they were forced to "reduce numbers" as the domain was finding it difficult enough to guarantee a minimum rice allowance so that in most cases the status of warrior was restricted to one generation and the allowance covered just three persons.Katsu Kaishu sought to make use of vassals outside of the domain and adopted a method whereby he selected the most talented among those who had surrendered at Hakodate and either sent them to serve under the Meiji government or dispatched them to other feudal domains. Examples of these men who were dispatched to other domains to provide instruction in education and military affairs are to be found in the well-known "Okashinin", or "loaned persons" who went to work in the various domains, including Wakayama, Tsuyama, Nagoya and Fukui. These Okashinin took up their new roles by either one of two methods: they were either sent to domains directly by the Shizuoka domain upon their return home, or they had been sent to the various domains to serve their period of confinement and were subsequently employed locally.Some of the vassals who surrendered that were skilled at sword fighting and very patriotic were the first to be sent to study under the Kagoshima domain, who had been their enemy in battle, where they came under the influence of the Kagoshima domain's simple and robust warrior spirit. This also motivated the establishment of new educational institutions within the Shizuoka feudal domain. One of these was the Shugakujo established in Shizuoka by Hitomi Yasushi, which aimed to enforce discipline among warriors and to provide education based on learning and martial arts, and also attached great importance to conducting exchanges with warriors from other domains. The intention behind sending these vassals to study in the Kagoshima domain and the Shugakujo that were established as a result, was the promotion of horizontal interaction within the domain and between the domain and outside, as well as self-cultivation. As such, their significance is totally different from that of the Shizuoka Gakumonjo and the Numazu Military Academy, which were established for the purpose of raising people through the ranks to serve the domain or the state by means of Western studies.
渡邉 一弘
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.174, pp.95-118, 2012-03

日中戦争中の弾丸除けの御守である千人針や日の丸の寄書きを見ていると、かなり頻繁に出てくる見慣れない漢字のような文字「[扌+合+辛][扌+台][扌+合+辛][扌+包+口](サムハラ)」。その文字は千人針のみならず衣服に書き込まれたり、お守りとして携帯された紙片に書かれたり、戦時中の資料に様々な形で見られサムハラ信仰とも言うべき習俗であることが分かる。戦時中のサムハラ信仰は、弾丸除け信仰の一つに集約されていたと考えられるが、その始まりは少なくとも江戸時代に遡り、その内容は、怪我除け、虫除け、地震除けなど多岐にわたっていた。「耳囊」をはじめとした江戸期の随筆にこの奇妙なる文字、あるいは符字とも呼ばれる特殊な漢字が度々紹介されている。その後、明治時代になり、日清・日露戦争といった他国との戦争に際して、弾丸除けのまじないとして、活躍することとなる。出征する兵士に持たせるお守りとして大量に配られ、その奇妙なる文字は兵士たちの間で弾丸除けの俗信として広がっていった。なかでも田中富三郎という人物の活動がサムハラ信仰を全国的に知らしめるきっかけとなり、戦時中のサムハラ信仰を全国的に普及させ、現在のサムハラ神社に引き継がれている。俗信の研究の重要性は、宗教などに権威化されたお札などと違って、民間信仰のなかから生まれ、少しずつ様々な意味づけがなされ、いつの間にか人々がその奇跡を信じ、成立するものである。戦時中の人々は、弾丸除けの俗信を信じることで、その現実を乗りきろうとした。こうした俗信の由来は、その時代時代に信じやすいように様々な逸話が加えられ、加工されていく。その時代のなかで解釈することと、その俗信の変化を通史的に整理することと、その両面が研究として必要となる。サムハラ信仰の研究は少なからずあるが、断片的であり、通史的に現代までを俯瞰する研究はない。本稿では、江戸期に始まるサムハラ信仰を現代まで俯瞰することを目的とする。"Samuhara," which is a group of letters like unfamiliar kanji, appears very often in senninbari, which is a charm against bullets during the war, and hinomaru yosegaki. The letters were not only written on senninbari but also on clothes and pieces of paper to be carried as charms and appear in wartime materials in various forms, which indicates that the custom was what could be called the samuhara belief.The wartime samuhara belief would have been focused on a single belief to protect against bullets. However, when it started in the Edo period, its contents varied from protection against injuries to that against insects, and earthquakes, etc. Essays from the Edo period, including "Mimibukuro," often introduce these strange letters or kanji, known as fuji.During the Meiji period, these letters played an important role as a charm against bullets in wars against other countries, such as the Sino-Japanese War and the Russo-Japanese War. They were also distributed as charms to the soldiers who went to war, and became known among soldiers as a popular belief to protect against bullets.In particular, Tanaka Tomisaburo took the initiative to ensure the samuhara belief was known nationwide. Because of him, the wartime samuhara belief spread nationwide and was inherited by the current samuhara shrine.The study of these folk beliefs is important for the following reasons. Unlike talismans authorized by religions, folk beliefs were born from popular beliefs. They gradually gained various meanings until eventually the miracles were believed in by people and became established. Wartime people attempted to surpass the reality by trusting in such folk beliefs.Various anecdotes were added to the original folk beliefs to make them more plausible in each period. Both interpretations of each period and an overview of the changes in folk beliefs over history will be necessary for the study.Although there have been many studies of the samuhara belief, they are fragmented, and none provide an overview of the complete history to the present. This article is an attempt to provide an overview of the samuhara belief from the Edo period when it started to the present.
中島 丈晴
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.157, pp.107-129[含 英語文要旨], 2010-03

伊勢湾・知多湾・三河湾・渥美湾を伊勢湾内海として広域的にとらえると、交通の要衝が室町将軍権力によって掌握されていたことが知られる。本論では残存史料が豊富で、伊勢湾内海とも関わりを持った将軍側近・政所執事の伊勢氏を通して、その権力編成が伊勢湾内海地域に与えた歴史的影響を探った。そのために本論では、十五世紀中葉における伊勢氏と被官衆との結合関係の分析を通して、被官衆の組織形態の全体像を把握し、その編成原理を明らかにするとともに、伊勢氏権力構造の特質についても検討することを課題とした。伊勢氏の家政職員である在京被官は、将軍家御物奉行として室町殿に供奉するとともに、在国して各地の「住人」を自身の寄子とし、伊勢氏被官化形成の重要な役割を担っていた。在京被官による、在国被官から伊勢氏への「御対面始」、「代始出仕」、進物の取り次ぎは個別的なものではなく一般的に定着しており、在京被官と在国被官は「申次―寄子」関係による編成であったといえる。伊勢氏の軍事基盤と評価される在国被官は、それに対する奉仕として在京被官に武力協力をしたと推測される。料所代官として在国し、自身の領国的基盤をもたない在京被官が、しばしば伊勢氏から守護譴責に対する幕府御家人への合力を命じられているのはそれゆえと考えられる。つまり両者は権力編成上におけるギブアンドテイク関係にあったといえる。しかし、在国被官は農業経営から分離しておらず、在地で直面する諸問題にさいし自力救済の「弓矢」に及ぶなど分裂・対立することがあり、軍事基盤としては不安定であった。在京被官と在国被官の「申次―寄子」関係に対し、伊勢氏と在京被官は、相続安堵過程の分析から、家同士の結びつき、「奉行」、「預所」など家産経営権の安堵といった点が確認され、家政職員としての活動とあわせ、まさに家産官僚制による編成であったといえる。つまり伊勢氏権力は、家産官僚制と「申次―寄子」関係の二重の編成原理によって構成されていた。権勢を誇った伊勢貞親が没落した文正の政変における被官衆の動向の違いは、編成原理の相違による伊勢氏権力の構造的問題であったと考えられる。こうした伊勢氏権力構造の特質にもとづく権力編成こそ、戦国期にいたるまで伊勢湾内海地域において伊勢氏被官の系譜を引く国人たちが活躍しえた背景であったと考えられる。It is known that strategic traffic points around the Ise Bay Inland Sea, broadly speaking consisting of Ise Bay, Chita Bay, Mikawa Bay and Atsumi Bay, were under the control of the Muromachi shogun. Using the abundance of extant historical materials, this paper explores the historical influence that the power structure of the Ise clan had on that area. At that time, the Ise clan was close to the shogun and held positions in the shogunate's office of administration (mandokoro) and also had connections with the Ise Bay Inland Sea.Through a study of the connections that existed between the Ise clan and hikan (low-ranking retainers) in the mid-15th century, this paper presents a general portrait of the organization of hikan, and in addition to identifying underlying organizational principles, it also examines characteristics of the power structure of the Ise clan.Ise clan administrative officials who served in the capital (Kyoto hikan) served at the Muromachi palace as personal attendants of the shogun. When they served in their home province they made the local inhabitants their retainers, thus playing an important role in the formation of Ise clan hikan. The brokering by Kyoto hikan of meetings between provincial hikan and the Ise clan, attendance at imperial succession ceremonies and gifts was not ad-hoc, but a general practice. The relationship between the Kyoto hikan and provincial hikan was one of "moshitsugi- y oriko,"that is, between bakufu spokesmen for the imperial court and dependent retainers.We may conjecture that provincial hikan, who are seen as having constituted the military base of the Ise clan, gave their military cooperation to the Kyoto hikan whom they served. This most likely occurred because provincial hikan oversaw shogunal holdings and Kyoto hikan, who did not have their own provincial base, were frequently ordered by the Ise clan to assist bakufu vassals with shugo (military governor) reprimands. That is to say, the power structure afforded a give-and-take relationship between the two parties. However, since provincial hikan were still involved in farming, there were divisions and conflicts over the various local issues they faced, which even saw them resorting to arms to resolve a situation, resulting in an unstable military base.Whereas Kyoto hikan and provincial hikan had a"moshitsugi-yoriko"relationship, a study of the process of the confirmation of inheritance confirms links between members of the same family and the right to manage family property. Accordingly, their activities as administrative officials were combined with a bureaucratic organization for family property. In other words, the power of the Ise clan was based on a two-tiered structure comprising a family property bureaucracy and a"moshitsugi-yoriko"relationship. The different actions taken by hikan in the Bunsho change in power in which Ise Sadachika lost his power were the result of a structural problem in the power of the Ise clan caused by the differences in the two organizational principles.It is precisely this power organization based on the characteristics of the power structure of the Ise clan that enabled local overlords (kokujin) with genealogical ties to Ise clan hikan to remain active in the Ise Bay Inland Sea area up until the Sengoku period.
三浦 正幸
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.148, pp.85-108, 2008-12

寺院の仏堂に比べて、神社本殿は規模が小さく、内部を使用することも多くない。しかし、本殿の平面形式や外観の意匠はかえって多種多様であって、それが神社本殿の特色の一つと言える。建築史の分野ではその多様な形式を分類し、その起源が論じられてきた。その一方で、文化財に指定されている本殿の規模形式の表記は、寺院建築と同様に屋根形式の差異による機械的分類を主体として、それに神社特有の一部の本殿形式を混入したもので、不統一であるし、不適切でもある。本論文では、現行の形式分類を再考し、その一部を、とくに両流造について是正することを提案した。本殿形式の起源については、稲垣榮三によって、土台をもつ本殿・心御柱をもつ本殿・二室からなる本殿に分類されており、学際的に広い支持を受けている。しかし、土台をもつ春日造と流造が神輿のように移動する仮設の本殿から常設の本殿へ変化したものとすること、心御柱をもつ点で神明造と大社造とを同系統に扱うことを認めることができず、それについて批判を行った。土台は小規模建築の安定のために必要な構造部材であり、その成立は仮設の本殿の時期を経ず、神明造と同系統の常設本殿として創始されたものとした。また、神明造も大社造も仏教建築の影響を受けて、それに対抗するものとして創始されたという稲垣の意見を踏まえ、七世紀後半において神明造を朝廷による創始、大社造を在地首長による創始とした。また、「常在する神の専有空間をもつ建築」を本殿の定義とし、神明造はその内部全域が神の専有空間であること、大社造はその内部に安置された内殿のみが神の専有空間であることから、両者を全く別の系統のものとし、後者は祭殿を祖型とする可能性があることなどを示した。入母屋造本殿は神体山を崇敬した拝殿から転化したものとする太田博太郎の説にも批判を加え、平安時代後期における諸国一宮など特に有力な神社において成立した、他社を圧倒する大型の本殿で、調献された多くの神宝を収める神庫を神の専有空間に付加したものとした。そして、本殿形式の分類や起源を論じる際には、神の専有空間と人の参入する空間との関わりに注目する必要があると結論づけた。Shrine honden (main sanctuaries) are smaller than the butsudo (Buddha halls) of temples and the inside of a honden is not used very much. However, one feature of honden is that they vary in style and external appearance. Architectural history divides these diverse styles into different categories and explains their origins. Descriptions of the size and styles of honden that are designated cultural properties are mainly classified mechanically according to differences in the style of roof, as is done for temple buildings, and the mixing in of some honden styles unique to shrines is both inconsistent and inappropriate.This paper re-examines current classification of styles, and proposes to correct some, especially the ryonagare-style. According to Eizo Inagaki, there are three main styles of honden, those with a ground sill, those with a central pillar, and those consisting of two rooms. Inagaki's classifications enjoy broad support across different academic fields. However, the author is critical of Inagaki's contentions and does not accept that kasuga-style and nagare-style honden with a ground sill changed from being temporary structures like a mikoshi, which were portable, to being permanent structures, or that shinmei-style and taisha-style shrines have the same origin because they have central pillars. A ground sill is a structural member that is necessary to stabilize a small structure, and does not date from the period of temporary honden, but originated in permanent honden that were of similar origin to those of the shinmei-style. Furthermore, with regard to Inagaki's opinion that both the shinmei-style and taisha-style were influenced by Buddhist architecture and were created to counter the Buddhist style, the author believes that the shinmei-style was created by the imperial court in the latter part of the 7th century and that the taisha-style was created by local chiefs. Given the definition of a honden as a" building with exclusive space for the permanently present kami," and also that the entire interior of a shinmei-style honden is exclusive space for the kami and that in a honden of the taisha-style only the inner sanctuary inside constitutes this exclusive space, the author shows that both are completely different in origin and that it is possible that the latter was derived from saiden (an early religious building).The author also criticizes Hirotaro Ohta's theory that honden in the irimoya-style evolved from haiden (worship halls) for shintaisan (mountains which are believed to be kami's body). In the author's opinion, irimoya-style honden came into being in the late Heian period when ichinomiya and other important shrines were built in each province. As honden that were much bigger than other shrines, they had a storehouse for the many sacred treasures given to the shrine in addition to the exclusive space for the kami. In conclusion, when discussing the categories and origins of styles of honden, it is necessary to pay attention to the relationship between space that is exclusive to the kami and space that is used by people.
鯨井 千佐登
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.174, pp.145-182, 2012-03

日本中世・近世「賤民」の権利のなかでも、①斃牛馬の皮を剥いで取得する権利、②埋葬する死体の衣類を剥いで取得する権利、③「癩者」の身柄を引き取る権利がとくに注目される。中世史家の三浦圭一は「牛馬にとって衣裳にあたるのが皮革に他ならない」とのべて、①と②を「同じレベル」で見ようとした。横井清も「皮を剥いでそれを取得することと死体の衣類を受け取ることが無縁なものとは私も思えない」といい、「身に付けている表皮を剥ぎとる権利と行為」をどのように考えるべきかという問題を提起している。一方、③は中世的な権利で、引き取られた「癩者」は「賤民」集団の一員となった。「癩」は「表皮」に症状のあらわれる皮膚の病であるから、③も含めて、「賤民」の権利は身を覆っている「表皮」にかかわるものとして一括して把握すべきかもしれない。こうした斃牛馬や死体の「身に付けている表皮を剥ぎとる権利」や「癩者」に対する監督権の宗教的源泉が、古くは境界の神にあると信じられていた可能性が高い。境界の神とは地境などに祀られていた神々のことで、「賤民」の信仰対象でもあった。本稿の課題は、そうした境界の神の本来の姿を見極めることである。本稿では、古くは境界の神に対する信仰が母子神信仰、とくに胎内神=御子神への信仰を骨子としていたことや、境界の神が月神としての性格を備え、人間の身の皮や獣皮、衣類、片袖を剥いで取得すると信じられていたこと、それゆえ境界の神に獣皮や衣類、片袖を捧げる習俗が生まれたこと、境界の神が皮膚の病の平癒という心願をかなえるだけでなく、それを発症させるとも信じられていたことなどを推定した。つまり、境界の神と「身に付けている表皮」との密接な関係を推定し、また、「賤民」の有した境界の神の代理人としての性格の検証という今後の課題を提示した。Among the rights of "senmin" in medieval and early modern Japan, the following three attract special attention: (1) the right to strip and obtain the skins of dead oxen and horses, (2) the right to strip and obtain the clothes of corpses to be buried, and (3) the right to take "lepers" along. The medieval historian Keiichi Miura said "the skins of oxen and horses were regarded as clothes" and treated ( 1) and ( 2) on the "same level." Kiyoshi Yokoi also said "I do not believe that stripping and obtaining the skins is unrelated to receiving the clothes of corpses" and raised the issue of how to consider "the right and behavior of stripping worn superficial skins." On the other hand, (3) was a medieval right, and the "lepers" taken along became a member of the group of "senmin." Because "leprosy" is a skin disease that causes symptoms on "superficial skins," the rights of "senmin" might have to be understood as related to all the "worn superficial skins" including ( 3) .It is very likely that the religious sources of the "right to strip worn superficial skins" of dead oxen, horses, and human bodies, and the right of supervision of "lepers" were believed to be in the gods of the boundaries in ancient times. The gods of the boundaries were worshipped in the boundaries of lands and also believed in by "senmin." This article attempts to ascertain the original figure of the gods of the boundaries.This article presumes the following: in ancient times, the belief in the gods of the boundaries was based on that in the mother-child gods, especially the belief in the fetal or child god; the gods of the boundaries had the character of moon gods and were believed to strip and obtain human skins, animal skins, clothes, and single sleeves; based on such belief, the custom of offering animal skins, clothes, and single sleeves to the gods of the boundaries was started; it was believed that the gods of the boundaries not only healed skin diseases but also caused them. In other words, this article presumes a close relationship between the gods of the boundaries and "worn superficial skins" and presents the future task of verifying the character of "senmin" as agents for the gods of the boundaries.
小池 淳一
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.174, pp.133-144, 2012-03

本稿では目をめぐる民俗事象を取り上げ、感覚の民俗研究の端緒とするとともに、兆・応・禁・呪といった俗信の基盤として考察した。まず最初に、柳田國男の一目小僧論を検討し、さらにその範疇に入らない年中行事における目の力に対する伝承を指摘した。次いで片目の魚の伝承や縁起物のダルマに着目し、片方の目しかない状態を移行や変化の表現としてとらえるべきであることを確認した。さらに左の目を重視する説話的な伝承が確認できること、また片目というのは禁忌の表現でもあることを見出した。最後に「見る」という行為から構成される民俗について、特に「国見」、「岡見」、市川團十郎における「にらみ」、「月見」などを取り上げて分析した。その結果、従来は「見る」行為には鎮魂の意義があるとされてきたが、さらにその内容を詳細に検討する必要があることが判明した。今後はさらに多くの「見る」民俗を分析するとともに五官に関わる民俗を総合的に検討することを目指したい。This article deals with folkloric events over the eye, marking the start of the study of folklore of the senses, which are studied as the basis of folk beliefs e.g. in the form of omens, knowledge, taboos and Magic. The article first examines the theory of the Hitotsume-kozo (one-eyed boy) of Kunio Yanagita and also indicates traditions for the power of the eye in annual events outside the above categories. Subsequently, it focuses on the tradition of the oneeyed fish and daruma dolls as auspicious and confirms that a one-eyed status should be understood as an expression of transition and transformation. Furthermore, it indicates a narrative tradition that prioritizes the left eye and finds that one-eye is also a taboo expression. Finally, this article analyzes the folklore composed of the actions of "seeing" by dealing, especially with "kunimi," "okami," "nirami ( glare) " in Ichikawa Danjuro, "tsukimi ( moon viewing) ," etc. As a result, the need for further detailed examination of the contents is clarified, although actions of "seeing" were conventionally thought to mean soothing someone's soul. In future, the author of this article would like to analyze more "seeing" folklore and comprehensively examine the folklore of five senses.