井原 今朝男
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.121, pp.1-43, 2005-03

本稿は、あらたに発見された長野市の守田神社所蔵の新史料『鉄炮之大事』とセットで伝来した『南蛮流秘伝一流』の史料を翻刻・紹介するとともに、中世における技術と呪術の相関関係を考察したものである。第一に、『鉄炮之大事』は、天正十九年から、文禄三年、文禄五年、慶長十年、元和元年までの合計十五点の文書群である。これまで最古とされる永禄・天正期の火薬調合次第とほぼ同時代のものから、文禄・慶長・元和という江戸初期への移行期までの変遷を示す史料としては、稀有な史料群である。しかも、これまで知られている大名家と契約をとりかわした炮術師の炮術秘伝書よりも古い史料群であり、民間の地方寺社に相伝された修験者の鉄炮技術書としては、最古ではじめての文書群である。第二に、『南蛮流秘伝一流』は『鉄炮之大事』とセットで相伝されたもので、その内容は南蛮流炮術の伝書ではなく、戦傷者などの治療技術を記載した医書である。鉄炮の技術と医術とがセットで相伝・普及されたことが判明した。傷の治療法として縫合術や外科手術法が相伝されており、内容的にポルトガル医学だけではなく、室町期に日本で独自に発達した金瘡医学の要素が強く、両者の混在を指摘した。第三に、『鉄炮之大事』『南蛮流秘伝一流』には、火薬調合や膏薬製造など技術的薬学的知識が、呪法や作法によって神秘化・儀礼化され、呪術的性格をあわせもっていた。実践的戦闘法として活用された戦国期に近い天正・文禄年間ほど、技術的要素が濃厚であり、慶長・元和年間の近世社会になるほど、呪術的性格を強化しているという逆転現象を指摘した。This paper introduces a new historical document called the "Teppo no Daiji" ("Gun Manual") newly discovered in a collection at Morita Shrine in Nagano City together with historical documents entitled "Nanban-ryu Hiden Ichiryu" ("Nanban School Book of Secrets"). It also investigates the correlation between techniques and magic during the Middle Ages.First, "Teppo no Daiji" is a collection of a total of 15 documents dating from 1591, 1594, 1596, 1605 and 1615. It dates from virtually the same period as material on blending gunpowder dating from the late 1550s through to the early 1590s that had until now been considered the oldest of its kind. As materials that show the changes that occurred during the time leading up to the period of transition at the beginning of the Edo period (from mid 1590s to early 1620s) they are indeed rare materials. What is more, as historical materials that are older than a book of secrets on the art of guns written by a gunsmith who was contracted to a feudal lord that had been known about earlier, they are the oldest and first writings on the art of guns by practitioners who bequeathed them to a temple or shrine situated on private land.Second, "Nanban-ryu Hiden Ichiryu" was bequeathed with "Teppo no Daiji" as a set, and instead of being a record of the art of guns according to the Nanban school, it contains details of methods for treating soldiers injured in battle. It turns out that writings on gun techniques and medicine were handed down and disseminated as a set. Stitching techniques and surgical methods are given as methods for treating injuries. In addition to details of Portuguese medicine, there are strong elements of the method for treating wounds caused by swords that was developed independently in Japan during the Muromachi period, suggesting a mixing of these two types of medicine.Third, the transmission of technical and chemical knowledge on such things as blending gunpowder and making ointment from the "Teppo no Daiji" and "Nanban-ryu Hiden Ichiryu" is mysticized and ritualized by the use of magic and ritual so that it also possesses a magical dimension. There is an abundance of technical elements in the materials dating from the Tensho and Bunroku periods of the mid 1570s through the mid 1590s that are closer in time to the Sengoku period when practical fighting methods were adopted. They also reveal a reverse phenomenon in that in the documents dating from the Keicho and Genna periods at the end of the 16th century and beginning of the 17th century when early modern society was developing in Japan, there is a stronger magical element.


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こんな論文どうですか? 中近世移行期の『鉄砲之大事』・『南蛮流秘伝一流』にみる技術と呪術(井原 今朝男),2005 https://t.co/1O2KiCg24G

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