大貫 静夫
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.151, pp.129-160, 2009-03

挹婁は魏志東夷伝 Weizhi Dongyizhuan の中では夫餘の東北,沃沮の北にあり,魏からもっとも遠い地に住む集団である。漢代では,夫餘の残した考古学文化は第2松花江 Songhua Jiang 流域に広がる老河深2期文化 Laoheshen 2nd Culture とされ,北沃沮は沿海州 Primorskii 南部から豆満江 Tuman-gang 流域にかけての沿日本海地域に広がっていた団結文化 Tuanjie Culture に当てることで大方の一致を見ている。漢代の挹婁はその外側にいたことになる。漢代から魏晋時代 Wei-Jin Period に竪穴住居に住み,高坏を伴わないという挹婁の考古学的条件に符合する考古学文化はロシア側のアムール川(黒龍江 Heilong Jiang)中・下流域および一部中国側の三江平原 Sanjiang Plain 側に広がるポリツェ文化がよく知られている。北は極まるところを知らず,東は大海に浜するという点では,今知られる考古学文化の中ではアムール川河口域まで広がり,沿海州の日本海沿岸部まで広がるポリツェ文化が地理的にもっともそれに相応しいことは現在でも変わらない。そのポリツェ文化はその新段階に沿海州南部に分布を広げる。層位的にも団結文化より新しい。魏志東夷伝沃沮条に記された,挹婁がしばしば沃沮を襲うという記事はこの間の事情を反映したものであろう。ただし,ロシア考古学で一般的な年代観を一部修正する必要がある。最近,第2松花江流域以東,豆満江流域以北に位置する,牡丹江流域や七星河 Qixing He 流域において漢魏時代の調査が進み,ポリツェ文化とは異なる諸文化が展開したことが分かってきた。これらの魏志東夷伝の中での位置づけが問題となっている。すなわち,東夷伝に記された挹婁としての条件を考えるかぎり,やはり既知の考古学文化の中ではポリツェ文化がもっともそれに相応しく,七星河流域の諸文化がそれに次ぎ,牡丹江流域の諸文化,遺存がもっともそれらから遠い。しかし,だからといって,これらを即沃沮か夫餘の一部とするわけにはいかない。魏志東夷伝の記載から復元される単純な布置関係ではなく,実際はより複雑だったらしい。The Weizhi Dongyizhuan (Accounts of the Eastern Barbarians in the History of the Kingdom of Wei), describes the Yilou as a group living northeast of Fuyu and north of Woju in the land furthest from Wei. The archaeological culture left by the Fuyu is thought to have been the Middle Laoheshen culture that spread in the Second Songhua River basin during the Han period and the majority of opinion places Northern Woju in the Tuanjie culture that spread along the Japan Sea coast from the southern part of the Maritime Province (Primorskii krai) to the Tumangang River basin. In the Han period, the Yilou were outside these areas. From the Han period through the Wei-Jin period they lived in pit dwellings, and from the perspective of their not having pedestal bowls, the archaeological culture known to coincide with the archaeological conditions of the Yilou is the Pol'tse culture that extended from the middle and lower reaches of the Amur River (Heilong River) on the Russian side to the Sanjiang Plain that partially falls within China. With limitless land to the north and extending to the Maritime Province on the Japan Sea coast to the east, of the archaeological cultures known of today, Pol'tse culture, which spread as far as the mouth of the Amur River and to the Japan Sea coast, is still the most appropriate in geographical terms even today. At this new stage, this Pol'tse culture extended to the southern part of the Maritime Province. In stratigraphic terms as well, it was newer than Tuanjie culture. The text on the Yilou's occasional assaults on the Woju contained in the section on Woju in the Weizhi Dongyizhuan most probably reflects the situation at this time. However, it is necessary to partially modify the general view of dates in Russian archaeology. Recently, from an investigation undertaken of the Han-Wei period in the Mudan River basin and the Qixing River Basin situated east of the Second Songhua River basin and north of the Tumangang River basin, it has been discovered that cultures that were not the same as the Pol'tse culture developed in those areas. It is not easy to place these within the Weizhi Dongyizhuan. That is to say, when considering only the conditions of the Yilou as written in the Dongyizhuan, it is the Pol'tse culture which is the most fitting of known archaeological cultures, followed by the cultures of the Qixing River basin, with the cultures and relics of the Mudan River basin the most distant. However, it doesn't mean that these formed part of the cultures that succeeded Woju or Fuyo. Rather than being a simple positional relationship reconstructed from the writings in the Weizhi Dongyizhuan, it is actually far more complicated.


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こんな論文どうですか? [ユウ]婁の考古学 (共同研究 『三国志』魏書東夷伝の国際環境)(大貫 静夫),2009 https://t.co/FDIDynrDEO

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