佐藤 正幸 佐藤 正幸 SATO Masayuki サトウ マサユキ Sato Masayuki
山梨国際研究 山梨県立大学国際政策学部紀要 = Yamanashi glocal studies : bulletin of Faculty of Glocal Policy Management and Communications (ISSN:21874336)
no.11, pp.82-98, 2016

Situated to the east and the west of the Eurasian continent, the British Isles and Japan both possess cultures with root extending into the distant past. In both areas numerous genealogies have been fashioned from the seventh century, the time from which the first written materials are extant. These genealogies have played a central role in the determination of an awareness of history. This article introduces the Japanese translation of Kathleen Hughes's, The Early Celtic Idea of History and the Modern Historian: An Inaugural Lecture, (Cambridge University Press; Cambridge,1977, 24 pp.). Hughes treats the era during which Christianity, a religion that served on the basis of Celtic culture, was accepted by medieval Ireland. By examining numerous genealogies, Hughes examines the development of historiography. This report introduces Hughes's work in order foster a better understanding from a comparative perspective of the culture of genealogies and the development of historical writings in Japan.


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