登坂 学 トサカ マナブ Manabu TOSAKA
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13455451)
no.17, pp.49-58, 2016-03

This paper presents an investigation of the true meaning and influence of Japanese popular culture, especially around idols, for Chinese youth. First, I investigate in the second section how Chinese youth and adult society perceive idols. Then, in the third section, I take a look at how the youth actually enjoy observing Japanese idols and attempt to relate to them as well as what sort of interaction and crossfertilization is occurring as a consequence of this: we can see a generational and cultural gap between the values of adult society and those of the youth community. In fact, Chinese youth are a prominent example of the casual transgression of an idealized image stipulated by adult society. What sort of influence does this popular youth culture prevailing in China and its psychological penetration have on society? This is a point that must be considered when adopting "Cool Japan" as a policy and trying to export culture. Simultaneously, this study suggests that the Japanese idol training system holds the potential for pluralistic interaction, growth, and meetings among youth; in other words, it holds a socioeducational significance.


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