山 泰幸
現代民俗学研究 (ISSN:18839134)
no.1, pp.19-28, 2009

This paper asserts that living folklore is an academic field which deals with modern society and that the most important adjacent academic field that scholars in folklore studies need to collaborate with is sociology. As folklore studies examines modern society, it should proactively incorporate sociological approaches, and it must, to a certain degree, be transformed into something closer to sociology. However, this does not necessarily mean that folklore studies should become sociology, and it does not mean that folklore studies should be subordinated to sociology. The author argues that the academic contribution of living folklore will be clarified in relation to sociology.


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民俗学と社会学に関して、山泰幸先生のこんな論文が。 CiNii 論文 -  〈現在〉の〈奥行き〉へのまなざし--社会学との協業の経験から https://t.co/jx8mOAhjLD

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