谷口 照三
桃山学院大学キリスト教論集 = The St. Andrew's University journal of Christian studies (ISSN:0286973X)
no.49, pp.133-157, 2014-03-13

The expectation and skepticism for science and technology coexisted in the 20th century. In that century, however, the skepticism was more focused on rather than the expectation. It has only been 12 years since the 21st century started. However, the expectation and skepticism for science and technology has already increased, and it seems that the higher the expectation is, the deeper the skepticism is. It is estimated that it is because the rapid development of most advanced science and technology, such as IT , artificial intelligence, bioengineering, nanotechnology, was far more than what we expected. Various contentions are proposed for the tendency of science and technology. The forward-looking contention that would be accepted by most people and has certain level of restraint would be the following." The application and development of science and technology cannot be suppressed by the society. However, it is necessary for humans to balance and point it to the right direction with their intelligence. It is the responsibility of the ordinary citizens who do not specialize in science to provide such information to scientists and actively participate in the making of public policy for science. The application and development of science and technology is for all humans." The first sentence of this quote is not directly connected to the second and the third sentence. It is necessary to mediate the "questioning for science and technology" with human life, especially the consideration of the" meaning of life" in order to connect these persuasively.It is because" the application and development of science and technology is for all humans." This paper attempt to interpret concept of the vulnerability for humans and their lives and its response, subsidiarity, based on the concept of" art of life" and "a three- fold urge: (i) to live, (ii) to live well, (iii) to livebetter," mentioned by a philosopher, Alfred North Whitehead, in order to deepen the" questioning for science and technology." It also examines the "art of life" as a "deed" that is reconstructed under "the dynamic and flexible process" as the socialasthe "civil public sphere," the societal as "role-sharing society," and as the complementary relationship of individual and organization promotes the" openness to response possibility." The fundamental of this "deed" is vulnerability and its dynamic acceptance, and "partnership" and "cooperation" as well as "solidarity" that mediate the mutual sympathy that relates to the vulnerability and its dynamic acceptance. And subsidiarity is the one that creates the" rhythm" for the process and bridges it" to live better" with profound meaning.


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