神田 文人 高澤 美子 Fuhito Kanda Yoshiko Takazawa 敬愛大学環境情報研究所 Institute of Environmental Studies Keiai University
環境情報研究 = Journal of Environmental Studies
no.8, pp.15-36, 2000-04-30

この論文は,戦後千葉県各地で入植・開拓が行われ開拓農業協同組合が全県下で113ケ所も組織されたが,それらを総体として取り上げるのではない。三里塚の御料牧場に入植した沖縄県出身者の入植時の非常なる苦労やその組合の推移を辿り,かつその中心となった久米島出身者との関係を追跡したものである。沖縄県人は伝統的に海外や日本本土への移民が多かったが,久米島もその例外ではなかった。その一人に与世盛智郎のようにハワイで薬剤師として活躍していた人材も存在した。その与世盛が戦争最末期以後,日本本土に在住していたので,郷里に帰れなくなった県人とくに久米島出身者を集めて御料牧場の開放に着手し,開放に成功した。与世盛が組合を去った後,組合の経営は娘婿の上江洲智泰ら同じ久米島出身者に委ねられ,ようやく生活の安定が得られたとき,全く突如として成田空港問題が発生し,立ち退きを余儀なくされたのである。この論文は全体の構成を打ち合わせた上で主として神田がまとめたが,その際,数回の聞き取り調査については高澤の協力を得た。とくに沖縄本島での石川友紀・上江洲智泰氏との,久米島での喜久永正・上江洲智隆氏との面談については細部にわたる点検を経て作成されたものである。After World War II, settlement and cultivation throughout Chiba Prefecture increased rapidly. Agricultural Cooperative Societies for land reclamation were organized in quick succession and soon numbered 113. This paper investigates the changes affecting agricultural society organized by Okinawans, who settled in Sanrizuka, Chiba Prefecture after World War II . Traditionally Okinawans emigrated both abroad and to mainland Japan in large number. People in Kumejima were no exception. One was Chiro YOSEMORI who was a pharmacist in Hawaii prior to the war. He was in mainland Japan at the last stage of the war and began, and continued, the movement for the release of goryo bokujyo, or pasture land belonging to the Imperial Family, to general citizens, including Okinawans. Yosemori gathered together Okinawans, who could not return to Okinawa, and helped them settle in the former goryo bokujyo in Sanrizuka. Most of these people were from the island of Kumejima and they became the central activists of this settlement and movement for land reclamation. This paper looks at the hardships they experienced up until and during the resettlement of this area. After Yosemori, the management of the society was left to Chitai UEZU, Yosemori's son-in-law, and other people from Kumejima. When, at last, the settlers had secured their livelihood and attained a fair level of stability in their daily lives, the government decided to build an airport on their land they were forced to move. This paper was mainly written by KANDA after formulating and working over the whole plot with TAKAZAWA, who cooperated in making the close inspection on the interviews with Professor Tomonori ISHIKAWA at Ryukyu University, Mr. Chitai UEZU, in Mainland Okinawa, and Mr. Tadashi KIKUNAGA and Mr. Chiryu UEZU in Kumejima.


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"戦争最末期以後,日本本土に在住していたので,郷里に帰れなくなった県人とくに久米島出身者を集めて御料牧場の開放に着手""…ようやく生活の安定が得られたとき,全く突如として成田空港問題が発生" →三里塚の開拓

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