田中 宏和
大学教育論叢第3号 = Bulletin of University Education Center, Fukuyama University Studies in Higher Education (No.3) (ISSN:21893144)
no.3, pp.77-89, 2017-03

AR (Augmented Reality) technology is changing people's lives significantly.However, the legal response to AR is inadequate in spite of the fact that, of the various forms of ICT, AR is the technology that most deeply affects real space.The release of "Pokémon GO" in 2016 has become a good opportunity for human society to recognize the dangers of AR.Therefore, in this study, we will pursue various problems that AR has brought about.We will refer to various cases that "Pokémon GO" has brought to real society,and will examine the necessity for regulation and the implementation of limits on AR.


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