- 著者
小平 英志
- 出版者
- 日本福祉大学福祉社会開発研究所
- 雑誌
- 現代と文化 : 日本福祉大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13451758)
- 巻号頁・発行日
- no.136, pp.1-14, 2017-09
Correlations and causal relationships among undervaluing others, self-formation, and self-change in Japanese university students were investigated. In Study 1, university students( n=163) completed scales that assessed undervaluing others, self-esteem, sense of self-formation, and intention for self-change. Results indicated a significant negative correlation between undervaluing others and imitation-oriented self-change defined as the will to change and agree with close others. This result was replicated in Study 2 with a different sample of undergraduates (n=298). Moreover, in study 3, structural equation approach with cross-lagged models and synchronous effects models were conducted on oneyear longitudinal data (n=161). Results suggested a significant covariance between undervaluing others and imitation-oriented self-change at Time 1. However, there were no significant causal effects among these variables. The meaning of undervaluing others in the development of young adults was discussed.