永瀬 伸子 東井 愛佳 亀山 暖加 木下 聡実 志賀 向日葵 塩谷 奈菜 高橋 京子 世永 愛璃
vol.24, pp.25-38, 2017-10-23

本稿は,大学生の年金知識と年金意識に関する調査の分析結果である.永瀬\研究室では2016年10月に首都圏23大学967人に調査を行った.大学生の年金満足\は年金知識や将来の仕事や家庭の見通しで異なるとの仮説をたてた.5 件法の\年金満足度に影響を与える要因をみると,世代間扶養を支持する規範と将来子\どもを持たないことが年金満足に正の影響を与えていた.他方奨学金返済予定\があることは年金満足を有意に低めた.また6 問の年金知識を出題したが,大\学生の年金知識は驚くほど低く,十分な教育が行われていない.しかし多変量\解析から年金知識を獲得している者ほど有意に年金満足が下がることから,現\在の年金制度の大学生の納得を得にくいという重大な課題が示唆される.大学\生の8 割が結婚や出産を期待し,女性の過半数は共働きを志向し,自分の収入\期待も高かった.これからの社会保障について,若者の視点を取り入れ,従来\とは違った形で子育てや奨学金の負担,共働き家族に配慮すべきと考えられる.This paper reports the results of a survey on University Students' Knowledge and Attitude\towards the Pension System, conducted in October 2016 with students at 23 universities in the\Tokyo metropolitan district. Between 30 to 60 students responded at each university, for a total\sample size of 967 students. The survey was designed and conducted by university students\participating in the laboratory of Nobuko Nagase at Ochanomizu University. We hypothesized\that students' satisfaction with the national pension system rises with increased knowledge of\the system, and also that satisfaction varies by one's plan for future, such as wishing to take care\of one's parents, or wishing to become or have a full-time housewife at home, or wishing to have\children. We found that university students' knowledge on the pension tax and basic pension\payment is extremely limited. However, when students have more knowledge, we found in the\ordinary least square analysis that their satisfaction with the national pension system statistically\significantly declines. This is an alarming result. In the econometric analysis, we also found that\when students have student loans, their satisfaction with the pension system statistically\significantly declines. Only when the students agreed with the concept of supporting the elderly,\or when they reported not planning to have children in the future, did their satisfaction with the\pension system increase. We found that 80 percent of students wished to form a family, while\more than half of university female students did not wish to become full-time housewives in the\future, and that they expect a much higher income than present Japanese females do earn. The\National pension system needs to conform with the changing views of youth about their future.


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こんな論文どうですか? 〔論文〕大学生の年金知識と年金意識 : 首都圏大学生への質問紙調査を通じて(永瀬 伸子ほか),2017 https://t.co/k8cYurRlD7

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