坂本 旬
法政大学キャリアデザイン学部紀要 (ISSN:13493043)
vol.15, pp.221-253, 2018-03

The first independent fact checking grassroots organization "Fact Check Initiative Japan (FIJ)" established on June 21st, 2017 in Japan. It launched a new fact-checking project during a general election in last October. I stared an action research in my librarian training classes using a guideline of the fact checking, a form and samples. In conclusion, first of all, it was a challenging assignment especially finding fact-checking targets for students. Second, they wrote it was meaningful experience to vote in the election. It means that fact-checking practice is citizenship education. Third, fact-checking experience provides critical point of views to not only online unidentifiable disinformation but also mass media articles. Combating fake news is so essential for not only journalists bur also librarians, students and general citizens that they should address the resolution of it together cooperatively. Grassroots fact-checking movements including practice of it as media and literacy education in schools would be a key element for building a democratic society.


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こんな論文どうですか? メディア情報リテラシー教育におけるファクトチェック実践の可能性(坂本 旬),2018 https://t.co/8BKTjllPoN

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