内藤 葉子
vol.12, pp.35-50,

Marianne Weber (1870-1954), a women's movement activist in Imperial Germany,formed her feminist thought in a liberal intellectual environment centering on herhusband Max Weber. She learned a great deal about the German idealist, especially I.Kant and J. G. Fichte. This article examines how she considered the construction of femalesubjectivity under the influence of German idealism. She considered that the Kant's moral and political principles, i.e. the ideas of purereason, personality, duty, freedom and autonomy, could also apply to women. In thisrespect she intended to form female subjects within the framework of German liberalism. Furthermore, just like Max Weber and Georg Simmel, Marianne Weber also had akeen interest in the modernization impacted especially women's life, thought and behavior.There was a controversy over the meaning of female cultural ability and thewomen's movement between Simmel and Marianne Weber. However, since he appreciatedfemale autonomy metaphysically, she could not criticize his 'sexual-metaphysics'strongly, which denied the female objective cultural ability. As the reason for it, shecould not understand exactly the gender-bias against females inherent in liberalism andKant's philosophy. However she was also interested in Fichte's philosophy. She were focused on theinterpersonal relationship and the relationship between individuals and community inFichte's philosophy. She also applied these principles to the women's movement andthe relationship among women. On that point she found another possibility of femalesubjectification. This article demonstrates Marianne Weber's political and ethical thought understrong influence of German idealism. Her thought can be described as an expression ofstrained relations between modern liberalism and feminism.


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