大地 宏子
現代教育学部紀要 = Journal of College of Contemporary Education (ISSN:18833802)
no.10, pp.69-82, 2018-03

本稿ではNHKのラジオ番組から誕生した戦後の新しい童謡における音楽的側面に光を当て、戦前の大正期の童謡と戦前・戦後に隆盛を極めたレコード童謡との比較、及び変容を考察した。戦後の童謡については、当時の新進作曲家たちによって結成された「ろばの会」の活動理念や創作の経緯を辿りつつ、作品の分析を通して彼らの目指した戦後の童謡観(音楽観)と具体的な音楽的特質の一端を明らかにした。ここで浮き彫りとなった音楽面の変容、すなわち斬新なメロディーやリズム、半音階を含んだ多様な和声など戦前の童謡には聴かれなかった音楽的着想は、歌詞(言葉)を提供した詩人たちとの創作研究を通して起こった事象だったといえる。大正期の童謡から脱却し、新しい詩の創作を模索していた詩人たちと、戦後の近代和声による新たな子どものうたの創作活動を歩み始めていた作曲家たちの協同作業によって、戦後の童謡は開拓され現在へ至る道筋がつくられたのである。In this article we put a light on the musical factors in after-war children's song given birth from NHK radio programs, and put thought into the comparison and change from before-war Taisho age children's song and children's song records that prospered before and after the war. Regarding after-war children's song, we went through activity policies and sequence of creation of "Roba no kai" formed by the rising music writers of that age, and through analysis of the music clips, we made clear their vision of after-war children's song (vision towards music) and also a part of their specific musical characteristic. The change in music made clear here, which were the new melodies and rhythm, various harmonies with semitones, musical ideas that were not seen in before-war children's music, could be said to be a phenomenon caused through creative research with the poets that provided the lyrics (words). After-war children's song was developed, and a path towards the present was created through a partnership between poets breaking out from Taisho age children's song in search for new lyrics, and music writers beginning creative activity for new children's song with after-war modern harmony.


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