廣岡 守穂
中央大学政策文化総合研究所年報 (ISSN:13442902)
no.21, pp.133-148, 2018-08-23

The world of Edo Chinese poetry did not expect poets will change himself or poets will challenge to change the society. The new-style poetry movement which began in 1880's was a movement aiming at a change of form and substance of poetry. But their original purpose was not achieved. In 1880's The Freedom and People's Rights Movement was going on simultaneousuly. The Freedom and People's Rights Movement was not only a political movement but also a cultural movement. They introduced public speeches, newspapers, songs of political argument, political novels and political epic poetry. Under the indirect influence of the movement naniwa-busi reciting appeared in 1900's and it became the most popular art of entertainment in the pre-World War Ⅱ period.


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廣岡守穂「詩とは何か-幕末の漢詩と明治の新体詩から考える-」(『中央大学政策文化総合研究所年報』21、2018年)曰く、「詩は行動する者たちによって書かれ、心をつたえあい思想を共有する媒体として作用した」。特に、幕末期に至るまで読まれ続けた頼山陽などを紹介。 https://t.co/A4j40cCJ3K

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