廣岡 守穂
中央大学政策文化総合研究所年報 (ISSN:13442902)
no.21, pp.133-148, 2018-08-23

The world of Edo Chinese poetry did not expect poets will change himself or poets will challenge to change the society. The new-style poetry movement which began in 1880's was a movement aiming at a change of form and substance of poetry. But their original purpose was not achieved. In 1880's The Freedom and People's Rights Movement was going on simultaneousuly. The Freedom and People's Rights Movement was not only a political movement but also a cultural movement. They introduced public speeches, newspapers, songs of political argument, political novels and political epic poetry. Under the indirect influence of the movement naniwa-busi reciting appeared in 1900's and it became the most popular art of entertainment in the pre-World War Ⅱ period.
廣岡 守穂
中央大学政策文化総合研究所年報 (ISSN:13442902)
no.22, pp.87-103, 2019-09-10

After Meiji Restoration, the process of modernization greatly changed Japanese people's thoughts and sensitivity. This change can be described as "a transition from fiction to real". For instance, we can observe this in the field of entertainment at that time. There were several major forms of entertainments. Kabuki is a classical dancedrama, started in early seventeenth century. On the other hand, Soshi Shibai was a new form of public entertainment started by Otojiiro Kawakami in early Meiji period to promote the Freedom and People's Rights Movement. Enka is another new form of public entertainment influenced by these movements. While the Meiji government forcefully encouraged Kabuki business to write their scenarios based on facts, it is Soshi Shibai which wrote the scenarios including facts. Also, Azenbou Soeda, a Enka singer, also included the important events and social trends in his songs. Effectively, the Freedom and People's Right movement, not the pressure from authorities, facilitated the progress of "real" in public entertainments.
廣岡 守穂
法学新報 (ISSN:00096296)
vol.122, no.3・4, pp.1-25, 2015-08-04

一九六〇年代後半から一九七〇年代前半にかけての一〇年は大きな文化変容の時代だった。この時代は対抗文化としての若者文化の台頭や性革命がおこった。人びとは権威に従順ではなくなったし、意識調査にもそれ以前とはちがう傾向が現れた。女性がみずからの性を語りはじめた。他方思想界では、疎外論や管理社会論がさかんだった。 一九七二年、武田京子が「主婦こそ解放された人間像」で、資本主義の労働現場から距離を置く主婦こそ社会変革の重要な担い手なのだと論じて、いわゆる第三次主婦論争の口火をきった。しかし振り返ってみると、生活クラブ生協グループや子ども劇場など非営利の事業活動の意義は、あまり注目されていなかった。 おなじ七二年に田中美津の『いのちの女たちへ』が刊行された。これは女性のセクシュアリティをふまえてジェンダーの問題に切り込んだ画期的な著作だった。日本の第二次フェミニズム運動は、同時代の大きな文化変容の波を受けて、そこに社会変革の思想をつくりあげた。ジェンダー平等の思想はこのようにして登場したのである。