中西 弘樹 Nakanishi Hiroki
植物地理・分類学会 = The Society for the Study of Phytogeography and Taxonomy
植物地理・分類研究 (ISSN:03886212)
vol.58, no.2, pp.89-95, 2011-03

This study was undertaken to describe and discuss the dispersal by ocean currents and the distribution of Ipomoea pes-caprae in the Japanese mainland. Frequency and growth of the seedlings from the sea-borne seeds were observed in Nagasaki Prefecture where the tropical drift fruits and seeds were the most frequent in Japan except the Ryukyu Islands. Based on my field observations and new records, a distribution map was constructed. More than 500 seedlings from the sea-borne seeds are estimated every year on beaches of Japanese mainland beyond the producing area where the plant passes the winter and completes the life cycle. The distribution of the producing area is expanded to the north. This may be due to the global warming.


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