宮内 貴久
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
no.207, pp.183-221, 2018-02-28

福岡市は大陸に近い地政学的位置から,海外への玄関口という性格を持った都市である。戦後,空襲による家屋の焼失と約140万人におよぶ引揚者により,深刻な住宅不足問題に直面した。1950年の日本住宅公団の設立,1951年の「公営住宅法」により,公団住宅と公営住宅の建設が進められていった。しかし1960年,全国の世帯数1,957万に対して住宅数は約100万戸不足し,市営住宅募集倍率は数十倍という高倍率だった。福岡市では1973年までに14,020戸の市営住宅が建設され,公団住宅は19,417戸が建設された。南区警弥郷には,高度経済成長期を通じて1960年に市営警弥郷団地,1961年に市営上警固団地,1963年に分譲警弥郷住宅が建設された。こうした一連の住宅開発と1966年度からの第一期住宅建設五カ年計画により弥永団地が計画開発された。弥永団地は福岡市域に市営弥永団地,春日町域に分譲住宅と分譲地が都市施設とともに開発された。間取り2DKで,20~30代の若い夫婦と子供という核家族が多かったが,一種の約4%,二種の約12%が65歳以上の老人世帯だった。三世代同居もみられた。2DKは食寝分離,就寝分離を目的とした間取りだが,DKではなく畳の部屋で卓袱台で食事をしていた例が少なからずあった。統計上も3割が食事をする部屋で寝ており,公営住宅で食寝分離・就寝分離をしていたのは約47%に過ぎなかった。住民の属性は,技能工・生産工程作業員及び労務作業従事者の比率が約28%と高い。学歴は中卒・高卒,大卒の順に多い。共稼ぎ家庭が多く,母子家庭も多く低所得者が多かった。団地住民を見下す噂もある。二区には建設当初から現在まで入居している世帯が53世帯あり,18.3%を占めている。Fukuoka City serves as an international gateway to Japan as it is located close to the Asian Continent. When the Second World War ended, the city faced a serious shortage of housing not only because dwellings had been burnt down by air raids but also because approximately 1.4 million Japanese had returned from former colonies.Supported by the Japan Housing Corporation established in 1950 and the Act on Public Housing enacted in 1951, a number of public houses and apartments were constructed. Still, Japan remained a million units short of meeting the housing demand of 19,570,000 households in 1960. A municipal housing advertisement for tenants attracted tens of times more people to apply than available units. In Fukuoka, 14,020 units of housing had been built by the municipal government and 19,417 units by the Japan Housing Corporation as of 1973.During the rapid economic growth period, Keyagō in the Minami Ward of the city witnessed the construction of Keyagō Municipal Apartment Complex in 1960, Kamikego Municipal Apartment Complex in 1961, and Keyagō Collective Housing built for sale in 1963. In addition to these housing development projects, Yanaga Apartment Complex was planned and constructed under the first Five-year Housing Development Plan launched in fiscal 1966.The development program of Yanaga Housing Complex consisted of the construction of Yanaga Municipal Apartment Complex in Fukuoka City and the house and lot development in Kasuga Town as well as the establishment of urban infrastructure in the neighborhoods. Comprising two-bedroom units with a kitchen-cum-dining room, the housing complex was home mainly to young nuclear families (parents in their twenties or thirties and their children) but also to elderly households over sixty-five years old (accounting for approx. 4% of the Type I units and approx. 12% of the Type II units) and three-generation families.Although the two-bedroom unit with a kitchen-cum-dining room was intended to separate dining and sleeping spaces as well as parents and children's sleeping spaces, many families regularly took meals not in a dining room but at a low dining table in a tatami room. According to statistics, about 30% dined and slept in the same room, and only about 47% separated dining and sleeping spaces as well as parents and children's sleeping spaces in the public housing complex.As for the attributes of the residents, craftsmen, factory workers, and manual laborers account for a high share (approx. 28%). The most numerous residents are the junior high school- and high school-educated, followed by the college-educated. Many of the households are dual income. There are also many fatherless and low-income families. People living in public housing are sometimes looked down on. In Area II, 53 households have lived since the completion of the public apartment complex, accounting for 18.3%.


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