福岡 安則 黒坂 愛衣
日本アジア研究 : 埼玉大学大学院人文社会科学研究科博士後期課程 (学際系) 紀要 = Journal of Japanese & Asian studies (ISSN:13490028)
no.16, pp.57-78, 2019

宮古島は因縁のフィールドである。2004年秋に宮古南静園で「第24回ハンセン病問題に関する検証会議」が開催される運びとなり,検討会委員であった福岡も出席を予定していたが,台風襲来で突然の延期。南静園での検証会議は2週間後に開催されたが,ちょうど,授業は半期15コマ実施が必須という方向に大学が移行していく時期で,重ねての休講はできず,宮古訪問は断念せざるをえなかった。2005年3月に検証会議が解散してからも,私たちはハンセン病問題調査を続行。2007年度から科研費がもらえるようになったので,2008年2月,福岡安則,黒坂愛衣,ゼミ生の塚原千恵の3名で宮古島を訪ねた。調査旅行の日程は,2008年2月19日,羽田から那覇空港へ。乗り継いで宮古空港16:15着。退所者の知念正勝氏(当時76歳)が,翌日からは所用のため,この日の夜のうちに,南静園の面会人宿泊所にて3時間の聞き取りを実施。「明日からはサトウキビの刈り入れかなにかで忙しいのですか?」と尋ねたところ,知念氏は「6年前に心臓のバイパス〔手術〕したんで,一度くらいはカテーテル検査をしないと」と答えられた。私も2015年夏に不安定狭心症,2016年冬にも冠攣縮性狭心症を発症しているので,いまなら大いに反応していただろうと思うが,そのときは聞き流してしまった。翌20日は,入所者の前里財祐氏(当時85歳),野原忠雄氏(当時72歳)から聞き取り。21日には福祉課から長靴を借り,野原氏の案内で,戦争中に患者たちが避難した自然壕「ヌストゥヌガマ」を見学。当時はまだ私たちのような訪問客にも療養所での入所者用の食事を廉価で出してもらえていた。最初は"これは健康食だ"などと言っていたのだが,食べ続けると淡泊な味に厭きてくる。南静園入所者自治会長であり全国組織の全療協会長でもあった宮里光雄氏にその旨を言ったら,夕食を宮古の郷土料理の店でご馳走してくださった。いまは亡き宮里会長の心配りを忘れられない。滞在4日目の22日の午前には,再入所者であり自治会副会長でもある池村源盛氏(当時69歳)から聞き取り。帰りがけに美味しい宮古そばを食べて帰ろうとしたが,生憎この日は「旧暦1月16日」の祖先供養の日にあたっていて,島民は墓所に集まって飲み食いに明け暮れる日で,お店は軒並み休業。南静園にタクシーを呼ぶこと自体が難しかった。宮古空港15:10発のJTAで那覇空港へ。「沖縄ゆうな協会」のある那覇市古波蔵までバスで行き,「沖縄楓の友の会」の奥平恵福氏と再会。泊めてもらう。23日,那覇空港発のJALに乗り,19:00羽田着。それにしても,一昔前にやった聞き取りをほったらかしにしてきたことの釈明を一言。沖縄は,『沖縄県ハンセン病証言集 沖縄愛楽園編』,同『宮古南静園編』(2007年)という,立派な証言集がすでに編纂されていて,私たちの出る幕はないと思っていた。実際『宮古南静園編』には知念氏の語りも収録されている。屋上屋を架すのは愚行であり,沖縄での聞き取りは,ひたすら私たちの勉強のためにすぎないと思い定めていたのだ。しかし,2016年12月26日の「ハンセン病家族集団訴訟」の第2回期日での「原告意見陳述」で,その原告女性が"妻が堕胎の注射を打たれたが,それでも娘が生まれてきた"という9年前の語りの娘さんだと知り,ある意味驚愕し,知念氏の語りをまとめ直そうと思い立った次第である(以下,敬称略)。知念正勝は,1933年12月,宮古諸島の水納島生まれ。小学校3年のころ,尻に斑紋が出ているのを父親が見つける。16,7歳のころには症状も進み,足の裏傷もひどくなり,島の誰もが知るところとなる。宮古本島に行き,宮古南静園の園長を兼務する開業医に診てもらい,「治るから南静園に入りなさい」との言葉を信じて,1951年5月入所。1956年,園内で結婚。1958年,妻が妊娠し,堕胎の注射を打たれるが,流産に至らず。――隔離政策・優生政策が医療従事者をして,命の芽を絶つという残酷なことを当然のこととして行わしめる一方,生まれてきてしまえば,その子のためにおむつ等を用意するという人間的な心を保持した看護婦たちがいたという語りは,じつに印象的であった。堕胎の処置をした者とおむつを用意した者は"同一人物"ではないかもしれないが,ハンセン病療養所という施設のなかの"同一人格"(人格=役柄存在)であったことは確かだ。"同一人格"において,殺すも生かすもできてしまうことは,じつは"殺すこと"――ひとを隔離収容すること,いのちを堕胎すること――自体が"患者のため"と信じ込まされていたことの証であろう。知念夫妻は,園の決まりに従って,生まれた子どもを1年間は南静園で手許に置いて育てるが,その後は水納島の母親に子どもを託す。1960年代前半に,集団移住で知念一家が宮古本島に移住。――これは,知念氏にとって,隔離収容されているあいだに,ふるさとの水納島が人の住まない島に変じてしまい,帰るべき故郷を喪失したということを意味しよう。Heimatlos!娘が小学校2年のとき,園に籍を置いたまま,社会復帰。土木の仕事,電気料の集金,宮古スキンクリニックの職員など,さまざまな仕事に従事。1999年,腰を傷めて,再入所。国賠訴訟の宮古原告団事務局長として活動。2001年5月の熊本地裁の判決では"沖縄は「ハンセン氏病予防法」のもと在宅治療が認められていたから"として,賠償金が一律,最低の800万円に押さえられていたのに対して,"沖縄3原告"の一人として,同年6月26日,熊本地裁の法廷に立って,判決の不当性を訴え,沖縄も本土と同等の基準による賠償を勝ち取る。2002年4月,再度の社会復帰。ハンセン病問題の啓発活動に取り組む。2017年には「ハンセン病全国退所者原告団連絡会(全退連)」の4代目代表に就任。2018年には「沖縄ハンセン病回復者の会」の共同代表となる。Miyakojima Island is a field which has a shady history in relation to our research. I (Fukuoka) had a chance to attend the 24th Conference of the Verification Committee Concerning the Hansen's Disease Problem at National Sanatorium Miyako Nanseien as a member of the working group for the varification committee in the autumn of 2004, but the conference was suddenly postponed for the typhoon. Although the conference was convened two weeks later, my hard teaching schedule at the university did not allow me to visit Miyakojima Island to join the conference.The Verification Committee was discharged in March 2005, but I continued the research on the Hansen's disease problems and received the research grant from Kakenhi (JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research). In February 2008 Yasunori Fukuoka, Ai Kurosaka, and Chie Tsukahara (Fukuoka's seminer student at Saitama University at the time of the research) visited Miyakojima Island.We flied from Haneda airport to Naha airport and finally arrived at Miyako airport at 16:15 in February 19th, 2008. We immediately met Mr. Masakatsu Chinen (76 years old at the time of the interview), a former resident of Nanseien, at the visitors' lodge of the sanatorium and had three hours interview with him on that night, since Mr. Chinen had a business from the next day. I asked if he would be busy for suger cane harvest, but he replied that he had the appointment for the cardiac catheterization because he had heart bypass surgery 6 years ago. At that time I did not react that much to his health condition but I would be more sympathetic to him if I hear about it these days, since I had unstable angina in the summer of 2015 and vasospastic angina in the winter of 2016.On the next day we had interviews with sanatorium residents, Mr. Zaiyu Maesato (85 years old at the time of the interview) and Tadao Nohara (72 years old at the time of the interview). On February 21st, we borrowed pairs of long boots from the welfare service office of the sanatorium and had a chance to observe Nusutu-nu-Gama (the Cave of Thieves), a natural cave where the sanatorium residents evacuated during the Battle of Okinawa, under Mr. Nohara's guidance.When we visited the sanatorium in those days, the sanatorium provided visitors like us with resident's dairy meal at cheap price. The first impression of the meal tasted healthy and good, but began to cloy as we had it seveal times in succession. We talked about it to Mr. Mitsuo Miyazato, the president of the residents' council of Nanseien and also the chair of All-Japan Association of Hansen's Disease Sanatorium Residents (Zenryōkyō), and then he treated us with traditional Miyako foods for dinner. Mr. Miyazato passed away seveal years ago but we never forget his kindness.On February 22nd, the fourth day of our stay, we practiced the interview with Mr. Gensei Ikemura (69 years old at the time of the interview). He was the resident who reentered the sanatorium and served as the vice-president of the residents' council. We planned to enjoy delicious Miyako soba noodle after the interview but all local restaurants were closed because that day was the ancestors memorial day (January 16th of the lunat calendar) that local people in the island assembled at the clan's cemetery and spent all day to eat and drink. Even to call a taxi to Nanseien was difficult.We departed from Miyako airport via JTA at 15:10 for Naha airport and then moved to Kohagura in Naha City where Okinawa Yūna Society is located in. We rejoined Mr. Keifuku Okuhira of Kaede-no-Tomo-no-Kai, the society of former Hansen's disease sanatorium residents in Okinawa, and stayed a night at his place. On February 23rd we departed from Naha airport via JAL and arrived at Haneda airport at 19:00.If you give us to excuse for our delayed publishing of this old interview, we would like to say that we missed the timing to introduce this interview earlier, since quite excellent testimonies such as Testimonies of Hansen's Disease in Okinawa Prefecture: The Volume of Okinawa Airakuen and Testimonies of Hansen's Disease in Okinawa Prefecture: The Volume of Miyako Nanseien were already published in 2007. As a matter of fact, Testimonies of Hansen's Disease in Okinawa Prefecture: The Volume of Miyako Nanseien includes Mr. Chinen's testimony as well. We simply thought it would be unnecessary work to deal with the life story that was already published. Thus, we used the interviews that we practiced in Okinawa only for our own research. However, we became surprised that one of plaintiffs who made a statement at the second pleading of the lawsuit of class action of Hansen's disease patients' families at Kumamoto District Court in December 26th, 2016 was Mr. Chinen's daughter who survived from the abortion injection in the sanatorium. Then we decided to review and publish the interview with Mr. Chinen that we had done seveal years ago.Masakatsu was born in Minnajima Island, one of the Miyako archipelago, in December 1933. His father found some macules on Masakatsu's hip when he was in the 3rd grade of the elementary school. His symptom such as ulcer on his feet got worse when he became 16 and 17 years old and everybody in the island became aware of his disease. He met a doctor at the Miyakojima Main Island. The doctor advised that his disease could be cured without requiring a long period of time at Nanseien. Masakatsu believed him and entered the sanatorium in May 1951.He got married to a female resident in the sanatorium in 1956. His wife bacame pregnant in 1958 but the staff in the sanatorium gave the abortion injection to his wife. Luckily, the abortion did not happened.It was an impressive story that the staffs in the sanatorium did cruel action to attempt the abortion to follow the Segregation Policy and Eugenic Policy and they also showed humane kindness to prepare diapers when the baby was born. Probably the staff who tried abortion would not be the same person who prepared diapers for the baby. However, it is certain that both actions represent the double phases of the character of the sanatorium. They were able to do both "kill" and "help." In fact the staff in the sanatorium would believe that "kill" (segregation and abortion) could be a way to help the residents.Masakatsu and his wife raised their baby by themselves only for one year. That was a rule of Nanseien. Afterward they asked Masakatsu's mother to take care of the baby at Minnajima Island. In early 1960s, Chinen family moved to Miyakojima Main Island by the collective move-out policy. While Masakatsu stayed in the sanatorium, his hometown Minnajima became an uninhabited island. This means he lost his hometown to return. Heimatlos!Masakatsu and his wife returned to society when their daughter was in the 2nd grade of elementary school, although they still kept their resident registration at the sanatorium. He had done several jobs such as construction worker, electricity bill collector, and the staff of Miyako Skin Clinic.In 1999 he got injured in his waste, returned to the sanatorium. And then, he served as the general secretary of the Miyakojima plaintiffs group for the national suit on beharf of Hansen's disease sufferers. In May 2001, Kumamoto Disrict Court judged that the government of Japan should compensate only 8 million yen to the plaintiffs from Okinawa area because the Hansen's Disease Prevention Law in Okinawa permitted the patients to take treatment at their home. However, in June 26th, 2001, Masakatsu protested against this judgement along with Mr. Masaharu Kinjo and Sachiko Kinjo, and won the case to receive the same amount of compensation that the government give to the plaintiffs from the mainland of Japan.Masakatsu returned again to society in April 2002 and has worked for Hansen's disease problems campaign movement. In 2017 he took to the 4th representative of All-Japan Association of the Former Hansen's Disease Sanatorium Resident Plaintiffs. In 2018, he became the co-representarive of the Society of the Hansen's Disease Recovered Sufferers in Okinawa.


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