小池 博明 半澤 幹一
長野工業高等専門学校紀要 = Memoirs of Nagano National College of Technology (ISSN:18829155)
no.53, pp.1-10, 2019-06-30

This paper is an investigation and interpretation (釈論) of 'Oe no Chisato-shu' (大江千里集) which is an anthology of Waka (和歌=ancient Japanese poems) by Oe himself.In this anthology, as usually called Kudai-waka (句題和歌), each Waka is given one phrase poetic title from Kanshi (漢詩=ancient Chinese poem) selected by Oe. The authors of this paper think that the mutual relations between expressions in both Waka and Kanshi have various patterns. So,the central purpose of our investigation is to concretely explicate the actual condition of all these patterns. And first,this paper treats of Waka No.11~No.13 of 'Oe no Chisato-shu'.


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小池 博明・半澤 幹一 -  釈論大江千里集(四) https://t.co/035Vxhv2wE

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