大鐘 要 大鐘 啓伸
名古屋女子大学紀要. 家政・自然編, 人文・社会編 (ISSN:21857962)
no.65, pp.171-179, 2019-03

People with developmental disabilities repeat the experience that they cannot go to work in the situation of street life. Therefore, they do not return to street life even if they have developmental disabilities, when they are provided with instructions and support of their overall life. In addition to this, psychological support to deal with the grief and the loss to occur from the life events is important. In this study, I examined the example in which the writer who was a counseling for the rehabilitation support of a person with developmental disabilities experienced street life. I took the problem of his feelings and emotion such as loss experience or grief. Then, I sympathized and clarified them. Next, I set the improvement contents to his behavioral problems. By such support, he could go to work.


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