ガブリエル・デカマス 鈴村 裕輔
国際日本学 : 文部科学省21世紀COEプログラム採択日本発信の国際日本学の構築研究成果報告集 (ISSN:18838596)
no.12, pp.17-35, 2015-01

In The Two Cultures (1959), C.P Snow argued that the intellectual life of modern societies was split into two cultures: science and the humanities. Yet, is this divide really so sharp? My presentation will examine the ways in which both disciplines, art and science, are not as distant as commonly assumed. I will start from today's impact of science onto the arts by analyzing the specificities and similarities of the post-Fukushima and post-Chernobyl artistic production, and will retrace the intimate link tying the two disciplines together back to the 19th century. This will allow me to demonstrate the "intra-actions" of the two disciplines - which means their "ontological inseparability" to use the concept developed by Karen Barad in Meeting the Universe Halfway (2007). Ultimately, this will also permit me to inquire the "intra-actions" between Japan and other parts of the world, and therefore offer a reflection regarding the question of national identity in Japan.


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@yusuke_suzumura そのご翻訳は知りませんでした。こちらでしょうか。カレン・バラドも言及されているのですね。興味深いです。 https://t.co/5gtlV9HDny

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