王 燕萍
都市文化研究 (ISSN:13483293)
no.22, pp.24-38, 2020-03

本稿は媽祖の同時代史料をもとに, 宋代における媽祖信仰の実像を解明する試みである。北宋初期, 福建沿海地域にある興化軍に属した湄洲嶼において人の禍福を予知できる女巫は死後, 神格化され, 湄洲神女として祀るようになり, 発展しつづける。北宋中後期, 朝廷から廟額「順済」を賜り, 興化軍内莆田県, 仙游県に二つの祠廟が建てられた。南宋に入ると, 湄洲神女信仰は更なる発展を遂げた。朝廷からの勅封から見ると, 南宋までには計十一回で封号を加贈され, 爵位も「夫人」から「妃」へ昇格された。さらに, 総計二十四カ以上の祠廟が建てられた。これらの祠廟は空間的に二つの特徴が現している。一つは福建沿海地域, 広東沿海地域, 江浙・江淮沿海地域という三つの地域に集中して分布している。もう一つはほぼ全部の祠廟が沿海港口市鎮と入海内河の沿岸に位置している。宋代に現れた霊験事跡から見ると, 後世に海神や船神と認められる媽祖は雨乞い, 晴れ乞い, 疫病払い, 禍福予知, 海寇抵禦, 海の風向調節, 海航守護, 対金水戦援助, 海潮食い止めなどの多様な職能を担い、地方保護神として機能していたと看做すことができる。そして, 起源地から他地域への伝播ルートを分析すると, 士人, 水軍, 商人が媽祖信仰の主な伝播者となり, 特に興化軍を根拠地とする本地商人, 興化軍を経由する海商の役割が重要であることが確認された。This paper is an attempt to elucidate the real image of Mazu Worship (媽祖信仰) during the Song Dynasty, based on historical materials contemporary with Mazu. In the early Northern Song, a woman Wu (女巫) who could foresee people's fortunes and misfortunes was born on the island of Meizhou Yu (湄洲嶼) of Xinghua Jun (興化軍) along the coastal area of Fujian. This woman died, and became sacred as Meizhou Shennv (湄洲神女). Also the first temple was built on Meizhou Yu (湄洲嶼). During the later Northern Song, the worship of Meizhou Shennv (湄洲神女) developed by receiving a grant of tablet of Shunji (順済), and two more temples were built in Putian (莆田) and Xianyou (仙遊) of Xinghua Jun (興化軍). Entering the Southern Song, the worship of Meizhou Shennv (湄洲神女) achieved a great expansion. For one thing, Meizhou Shennv (湄洲神女) was granted eleven times and the title was upgraded from Furen (夫人) to Fei (妃). In addition, there are totally more than twenty four temples constructed in this period. There are two main features of the spatial distribution of these temples. Firstly, the temples are mainly concentrated on the coastal areas of Fujian (福建), Guangdong (広東) and Jiangzhe (江浙)/Jianghuai (江淮). Secondly, almost all the temples are located in the towns and ports belonging to the coastal area of the sea or river. Finally, Mazu (媽祖) is now believed to be a Sea-Godness (海神). However, the spiritual deeds which happened during the Song Dynasty indicate that Mazu (媽祖) was the patroness saint of the local area possessing varied functions, for example, offering for rain or a clear sky, removing plague, foreseeing fortunes or misfortunes, resisting pirates, changing the wind direction of the sea, safeguarding the seaway, protecting naval forces, and defending against tidal waves. For her propagation from the original area to other areas, local scholars, naval forces and merchants have played a role as the main factors.


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