福岡 安則 黒坂 愛衣
日本アジア研究 = Journal of Japanese & Asian studies : 埼玉大学大学院文化科学研究科博士後期課程紀要 (ISSN:13490028)
vol.18, pp.147-165, 2021

2019 年 9 月1 日,私たちは,東海地方のある海辺の 90 軒ほどからなる集落内のご自宅に,中田トヨさん,エツさん,カズエさんを訪ねた(本稿の人名はすべて仮名,以下敬称略)。 トヨは,1923(大正 12)年 7 月生まれ,聞き取り時点で 96 歳。エツは,1928(昭和 3)年 12 月生まれ,聞き取り時点で 90 歳。二人は 5 人姉妹の四女と五女であった。父親の富三郎は,1888(明治 21)年生まれ。富三郎は戦時中にハンセン病療養所「多磨全生園」に収容され,1944(昭和 19)年,脱走。1948(昭和 23)年,再収容。1953(昭和 28)年,全生園にて死亡。 エツは,戦後,近隣の村の青年と婿取りのかたちで結婚,1950(昭和 25)年,1951(昭和 26)年と娘 2 人を産むが,集落内の店屋のおかみの告げ口で,富三郎がハンセン病で療養所に収容されていることを知った夫が「親父は変な病気だっていうじゃないか」との捨て科白を吐いて家を出てしまい,結婚生活は破綻。エツの姉のトヨは,女ばかりとなった一家を支えるため,生涯独身で過ごす。 1951(昭和 26)年 12 月生まれのカズエ(聞き取り時点で 67 歳)は,エツの下の娘である。カズエも近隣の村の青年と婿取りのかたちで結婚するが,1972(昭和 47)年に娘を出産したあと,やはり,店屋のおかみの告げ口で,祖父がハンセン病だったことを夫の一族が知るところとなり,「あんたらの一家皆殺しにしても,べつに罪にならんのだぞ」とまで言われて,結婚生活は破局。 中田家にお邪魔し,冒頭の挨拶で「いろいろご苦労されましたね」と申し上げたところ,エツさんは「いまが,いちばん幸せ」と言葉を返された。 聞き取りの翌日,ちょうど早稲田大学で開かれた「第 35 回日本解放社会学会大会」に参加している最中に,カズエの娘さん(40 代)からメールが届いた。「はじめまして。昨日はお忙しい中ありがとうございました。母が携帯が苦手なので代わりに送らせて頂きました。/わたしは,曾祖父には会ったことはありませんが,お墓に報告に行ってきました。祖母も今までは他の人には話せなかったことが話せてとてもすっきりした表情だったと,母から聞きました。本当にありがとうございました。」 On September 1, 2019, we visited a house in a seaside village which had 90 households in the Tokai region of Honshu to meet Toyo Nakata, Etsu Nakata, and Kazue Nakata (all the names in this paper are pseudonyms). Toyo was born in July 1923 and was 96 years old at the time of hearing. Etsu was born in December 1928 and was 90 years old at the time of hearing. The two were the fourth and fifth daughters of five sisters. Their father, Tomisaburo, was born in 1888. Tomisaburo was sent to the Hansen's disease sanatorium, Tama Zenshoen during the war and escaped in 1944 but confined again in 1948. In 1953, he died at Zenshoen. After the war, Etsu married a young man in a neighbor village in the form of the marriage that a husband becomes a member of a wife's family, and in 1950 and 1951 he gave birth to two daughters. However, the female shop owner in the village revealed to her husband that her father Tomisaburo was confined in a 'leprosarium', and he left her to finish the marriage life by saying, "People say that your father has strange disease." Etsu's elder sister, Toyo, spent her entire life as a single to support her family which had only female members. Born in December 1951, Kazue (67 years old at the time of hearing) is Etsu's younger daughter. Kazue also married a young man in another neighboring village in the same form that Etsu did. But after giving birth to her daughter in 1972, her husband's family learned that her grandfather had 'leprosy' by the same shop owner who had revealed it before. Her husband family even said, "Even if we kill your whole family, we wouldn't be guilty of it," and her marriage life collapsed. When we visited the Nakata family and said "You went through a lot of hardship," Etsu replied, "Now is the happiest time in my life." The day after the interview, we received an email from Kazue's daughter (40s) while participating in the "35th Japanese Association of Sociology for Human Liberation Convention" held at Waseda University. She said in the mail, "How do you do? Thank you for your visit in spite of busy schedule yesterday. My mother is not good at using cellphone so I am sending this email on behalf of her. I have never met my great-grandfather, but I visited his grave to report yesterday thing. My mother told me that my grandmother had never shared her story with other people so far but she feels so good after she told her story to you. Thank you very much."


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@tos CiNii 論文 -  罹患者の娘のみならず孫まで結婚差別 : ハンセン病問題聞き取り https://t.co/ytuLhkUOUP

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