一色 尚次 塚原 茂司 崔 甲錫 桑原 孫四郎 杠 好秋
公益社団法人 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会
日本舶用機関学会誌 (ISSN:03883051)
vol.12, no.9, pp.705-714, 1977

Firstly, a theoretical comparison of performance of Stirling engine cycle of various types, the Rombic type, L (or V) type, and Inversed T type (I-T type), is shown in this report.<BR>By the results, the non dimensional power &Delta;<I>pm/pm</I> is highest for the I-T type with adequate value of <I>x</I> (non dimensional volume difference between low temperature cylinder and high temperature cylinder of displacer cylinders) .<BR>Also it is shown that, the weight ratio of gas which pass through regenerator to the total gas is highest at I-T type.<BR>Secondly, an experiment of Stirling engine of L-type by atomospheric air is reported here.<BR>By its results, the power is high when the pressure drop by the regenerator is smaller than 1/10 of mean absolute pressure.<BR>The tendency of performance is known to be proportional with Schmidt theory that uses two region model of constant temperature.<BR>By this study many fundamental knowledge about Stirling Engine is accumulated very much.


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こんな論文どうですか? スターリング機関の研究 I(一色 尚次ほか),1977 https://t.co/IJxsYhJtNa Firstly, a theoretical comparison of pe…

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