桑原 昭彦 鈴木 重喜
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.49, no.10, pp.1499-1506, 1983

This paper describes the vertical and horizontal distributions, and feeding habits of a sole <i>Heteromycteris japonicus</i> (TEMMINCK et SCHLEGEL) larvae, collected in the western Wakasa Bay, Japan Sea, from June to September 1981.<br> The larvae <i>H. japonicus</i> distributed mainly in the waters between 25m and 50m depth. Small size larvae of less than 3.0mm BL commonly appeared at Sts. A, B and C, and large size larvae of more than 4.0mm BL abundantly at St. A. It is suggested that the larvae shift the habitual area from &ldquo;offshore-coastal area&rdquo; to &ldquo;coastal area&rdquo; as growth of the larvae proceeded.<br> The larvae of less than 4.0mm BL fed mostly on <i>Microsetella norvegica</i> and copepod nauplii. Most of the same size larvae caught at St. A ate <i>M. norvegica</i>, but at St. C. larvae fed on <i>M. norvegica</i> and copepod nauplii. Percentage of larvae carrying food in their alimentary canal was high in those collected at St. A and low at St. C. The larvae of more than 5.0mm BL consumed mainly <i>Penilia avirostris, Podon</i> sp. and <i>M. norvegica.</i><br> According to these findings on feeding habits of the larvae of <i>H. japonicus</i> it is estimated that the offshore area is umsatisfactory for survival of the larvae, compared with the coastal area.


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こんな論文どうですか? 若狭湾に出現する子魚の食性に関する研究 IV  ササウシノシタ子魚の分布と食性(桑原 昭彦ほか),1983 https://t.co/ANE6pbvCRL This paper describes the vertical …

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