趙 沛英
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.77, no.3, pp.695-705, 1984

In the cerebellopontine angle, there are several different types of brain tumors. Acoustic neurinoma, meningioma and epidermoid are seen most frequently. Clinically, the differential diagnosis of these three brain tumors is very important. In this report, we present diagnostic characteristics of these brain tumors in the cerebellopontine angle. Instead of reporting typical cases, we venture to present atypical examples of each brain tumor, which are usually difficult to differentiate. Neurotological criteria for differential diagnosis of these brain tumors are proposed, in order to clarify the differential diagnostic features.


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こんな論文どうですか? 小脳橋角部三しゅよう(聴神経しゅ,髄膜しゅ,類上皮しゅ)の鑑別診断について(趙 沛英),1984 https://t.co/CFE2DKdwZ1
こんな論文どうですか? 小脳橋角部三しゅよう(聴神経しゅ,髄膜しゅ,類上皮しゅ)の鑑別診断について(趙 沛英),1984 https://t.co/D4yWComKkc
こんな論文どうですか? 小脳橋角部三しゅよう(聴神経しゅ,髄膜しゅ,類上皮しゅ)の鑑別診断について(趙 沛英),1984 https://t.co/D4yWComKkc
こんな論文どうですか? 小脳橋角部三しゅよう(聴神経しゅ,髄膜しゅ,類上皮しゅ)の鑑別診断について(趙 沛英),1984 https://t.co/D4yWComKkc
こんな論文どうですか? 小脳橋角部三しゅよう(聴神経しゅ,髄膜しゅ,類上皮しゅ)の鑑別診断について(趙 沛英),1984 https://t.co/D4yWComKkc

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