西元 謙吾 林 多聞 早水 佳子 黒野 祐一
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.102, no.11, pp.945-949, 2009 (Released:2011-06-09)

The efficacy of the common practice in Japan of recommending gargling to prevent post-tonsillectomy infection and to reduce throat soreness remains to be scientifically and quantitatively confirmed. In an attempt to remedy this, we had 108 subjects—48 men and 60 women aged 17 to 79 years (mean: 33.8 years)—gargle with povidone-iodine (PI) or sodium guaiazulen-3-sulfonate (AZ) following bilateral tonsillectomy. We measured the clinical effects on a pain scale and pain-medication score for comparison between the two groups. Results indicated by the medication score and pain scale demonstrated that gargling with AZ significantly reduced pain compared to gargling with PI, especially right after surgery. AZ also showed an antipyretic effect, suggesting that gargling with AZ is superior to PI as a post operative gargle.
濵本 真一 兵 行義 田中 浩喜 舘 俊廣 森田 倫正 福島 久毅 原田 保
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.106, no.8, pp.693-697, 2013 (Released:2013-08-01)

Kawasaki disease (KD) is an idiopathic systemic vasculitis common in infants and children that affects predominantly small and medium-sized extraparenchymal muscular arteries. KD manifests various clinical symptoms, of which coronary aneurysms are the most important complication. However, the association of sensorineural hearing loss with KD is rare. A 7-year-old girl with KD was referred to our department with a chief complaint of hearing loss. In her hearing test, she showed a high degree of bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. Although the patient was treated with steroid pulse therapy (methylprednisolone), her hearing level deteriorated. Two weeks after steroid therapy, a slight improvement was seen. Thereafter, the patient started to use hearing aids. About one year has elapsed since the onset of hearing loss, but her hearing level has not improved.
馬場 駿吉 高坂 知節 稲村 直樹 佐藤 三吉 鈴木 茂 遠藤 里見 石戸谷 雅子 小野寺 亮 山田 公彦 大久 俊和 荒井 英爾 鈴木 雅明 大山 健二 粟田口 敏一 戸川 清 岡本 美孝 松崎 全成 寺田 修久 喜多村 健 石田 孝 馬場 廣太郎 島田 均 森 朗子 池田 聖 金子 敏郎 今野 昭義 山越 隆行 石井 哲夫 窪田 市世 鍋島 みどり 田口 喜一郎 石山 哲也 中野 雄一 中村 英生 五十嵐 文雄 古川 仭 作本 真 山下 公一 久保田 修 宇佐神 篤 伊藤 博隆 鈴木 元彦 間宮 紳一郎 横田 明 加藤 薫 大屋 靖彦 河合 〓 岩田 重信 横山 尚樹 井畑 克朗 瀧本 勲 稲福 繁 坂倉 康夫 鵜飼 幸太郎 雨皿 亮 山田 弘之 坂倉 健二 平田 圭甫 伊藤 由紀子 村上 泰 竹中 洋 山下 敏夫 久保 伸夫 中井 義明 大橋 淑宏 阪本 浩一 村田 清高 平沢 昌子 原田 康夫 森 直樹 白根 誠 多田 渉 小林 優子 竹林 脩文 河野 嘉彦 夜陣 紘治 平田 思 宮脇 修二 津田 哲也 山下 隆司 二階堂 真史 柿 音高 永澤 容 増田 游 後藤 昭一 西岡 慶子 折田 洋造 東川 康彦 武 浩太郎 進 武幹 前山 忠嗣 百田 統洋 堤 昭一郎 茂木 五郎 川内 秀之 松下 太 吉村 弘之 高田 順子 石川 哮 定永 恭明 大山 勝 松崎 勉 坂本 邦彦 廣田 常治 内薗 明裕 鯵坂 孝二 中島 光好
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.88, no.3, pp.389-405, 1995-03-01
13 16

The efficacy and safety of Kampo preparation Sho-seiryu-to were studied in a joint double-blind trial in comparison with a placebo. The study was carried out on 220 patients with perennial nasal allergy at 61 hospitals. Granules in a dose of 3 g were administered 3 times daily for 2 weeks. Moderate to high improvement was recorded in 44.6% of the treated patients and in 18.1% of those receiving placebo. The difference is significant (p <0.001). Side effects were noted in 6.5% of the treated patients and in 6.4% of the controls (not a significant deference). The side effects were mild and had no influence on the daily life of the patients.
本田 圭司 鎌田 知子 田崎 彰久 畑中 章生
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.105, no.7, pp.681-685, 2012-07-01

We report a case of burns of the larynx caused by hot food in which emergency airway management was required.<br> A 36-year old male came to the hospital with a sore throat 14 hours after ingesting hot food (takoyaki, a Japanese dumpling containing octopus). Fiberscopic examination revealed mild edema of the aryepiglotic fold. The patient refused hospitalization against medical advice and went home after a corticosteroid injection, but returned to the hospital by ambulance with severe dyspnea the next day (44 hours after the injury). A considerably swollen epiglottis were seen on fiberscopy. Since endotracheal intubation was expected to be difficult, surgical cricothyroidotomy was performed for the relief of the airway obstruction. If a laryngeal burn is suspected, the patient should be hospitalized and observed carefully for 24-48 hours.<br>
中出 捨次郎
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.21, no.2, pp.347-370_1, 1927

1. 口蓋扁桃腺ニ於ケル格子状纖維ハ胎生第三ヶ月初期ニ於テ既ニ發生シ, 規則正シキ網羅状ヲナシテ實質中平等ニ存在シ, 實質組織ヲ多數ノ小部分ニ分チ, ソノ各部ニハ一個若クハ數個ノ細胞ヲ容ル.<br>該纖維網眼ハ更ニ之ヨリ分岐シテ樹枝状又ハ不規則ナル網状ヲナセル甚ダ纖細ナル多數ル細纖維ニヨリテ充タサレ, 此等細纖維ハ前述ノ細胞間ニモ入リ, 之等ヲ纒絡スルモノノ如シ.<br>2. 口蓋扁桃腺ノ格子状纖維ハ胎生第三ヶ月初期ニ於テ既ニ主副纖維ノ別明瞭ナリ. 即, 該時期ニ於テハ主纖維ハ多數細纖維ノ集リテ成レルコト恰モ絹絲ノ多數細纖維ヨリ成ルニ酷似シ, 其後次第ニ成育スルニ從ヒ該細纖維ノ一部ハ尚依然之ヲ認メ得ルモ一部ハ融合シテ太キ一本ノ纖維トナリ胎生第六ヶ月ニ至レバ此ノ融合セル纖維部ハ甚ダ強靱トナル.<br>3. 胎生時ニ於ケル格子状纖維ハ胎生初期ニ於テハ尚甚ダ纖細ナリト雖モ網羅状ニ黒染シ, 成人ニ於ケルモノト全ク同一ナリ.<br>4. 格子状纖維ハ膠基纖維ト明ニ區別ス可キモノニシテ胎生期ニ於ケル口蓋扁桃腺ニ於テハ前者ノ後者ニ變性移行スルヲ認メズ.<br>5. 口蓋扁桃腺ニ於ケル格子状纖維ハ胎生第三ヶ月末期以後ニ於テ濾胞ニ一致シテ圓形, 紡〓形若クハ不整形ニ全ク缺如スルカ, 或ハ著シク乏少ニシテ僅ニ斷片状ニ存在スルニ過ギズ. 而テ該格子状纖維缺如部 (即, 濾胞) ハ胎生初期 (第三・四ヶ月) ニ於テハ紡〓形若クハ不整形ヲ呈スルモ, 漸次發育スルト共ニ類圓形ヲ呈シ, 第六ヶ月ニ至レバ生後ニ於ケルモノト大差ナキニ至ル.<br>6. 胎生第三ヶ月ニ於テ扁桃腺上皮組織下ニ之ニ沿ヒテ稍太キ格子状纖維ノ走行スルヲ認ムルモ扁桃腺被嚢内ニハ全ク之ヲ認メズ. 其後扁桃腺ノ發育ト共ニ該纖維モ亦, 發育増殖スト雖モ, 被嚢内ニハ特ニ強靱ナル該纖維ヲ認ムル事ナシ. 即, 格子状纖維ハ被嚢ノ形成ニ關與スル事少シ.<br>7. 彈力纖維ハ胎生第三ヶ月ニ於テ既ニ扁桃腺上皮組織下ニ, 第四ヶ月ニ於テ皮嚢内ニ, 實質ヲ包ミテ走行スルヲ認メ, 其後次第ニ發育スルモ, 第六ヶ月ニ至レバ甚ダ著明ナル發育ヲ遂ゲ強靭ナル該纖維ハ屈曲蛇行シテ扁桃腺組織ヲ包ムニ至ル.<br>8. 扁桃腺實質内ニ於テハ彈力纖維ハ甚ダ纖細ナレ共, 胎生第三ヶ月ニ於テ血管壁ノ外, 上皮組織ニ接近セル極メテ小部分ニ略, 之ニ並行シテ線状ニ走行シ, 第四ヶ月ニ於テハ被嚢ニ近キ部ニ於テモ同樣, 該纖維ヲ認メ,上皮組織ニ近キ部ニ於ケルモノハ互ニ吻合ヲ作リテ網状ヲナシ, 稍之ニ遠ザカリテ扁桃腺深部ニ入レノバ未ダ吻合ヲ作ルニ至ラズシテ線状ヲナシテ存ス. 第六ヶ月ニ至レバ該纖維ハ實質中平等ニ網状ヲナシテ存在スルニ至リソノ走行ハ上皮組織並ニ被嚢ニ近キ部ニ於テハ略, 之ニ並行シテ走行シ, 互ニ吻合ヲ作リテ網状ヲ呈シ, 稍, 之ヲ遠ザカリテ扁桃腺深部ニ入レバカクノ如ク一定セズシテ不規則ニ網羅状ヲナス. 其後益々發育スト雖, 扁桃腺被嚢或ハ周圍組織ニ於ケルモノニ比シ一般ニ甚ダ纖細ナリ.<br>9. 彈力纖維ハ腺窩ニ近接セル扁桃腺實質部ニ於テハ, 腺窩ヲ色ミテ之ト略並行ニ輪状ニ走行セル太キ纖維ト, 上皮組織ト略, 垂直ニ放線状ニ走行セルモノト及ビ腺窩上皮組織ニ並行ニ縦走セルモノトル略三種ヨリ成リ, 互ニ吻合シテ網羅状ヲナシ, 籠状ニ腺窩ヲ包ム.<br>10. 口蓋扁桃腺ニ於テハ彈力纖維ハ濾胞ニ一致セル部ニ略圓形ヲナシテ全ク缺如スルカ, 或ハ著シク乏少ナリ.<br>11. 膠基纖維ハ胎生第三ヶ月ニ於テ扁桃腺被嚢部並ニ上皮組織下ニ之ニ沿ヒ纖細ナル纖維トシテ走行シ, 其後次第ニ發育スト雖, 扁桃腺被嚢部ニ於ケルモノ特ニ著明ニシテ, 胎生第六ヶ月ニ至レバ強靱ナル該纖維ハ屈曲蛇行シテ扁桃腺實質ヲ包ム. 上皮組織下ニ於ケルモノハ胎生第十ヶ月ニ至レバ再ビ甚ダ纖細トナル.<br>12. 膠基纖維ハ扁桃腺實質中ニ於テハ胎生第三ヶ月, 第四ヶ月ニ於テ極メテ纖細且, 淡染セルモノ線状或ハ粗鬆ナル網状ヲナシテ細胞間ニ少量存シ, 第六ヶ月以後ニ於テハヨク發育シテ濃染シ, 全實質中ニ分布ス. 然レドモ濾胞ニ於テハ之ヲ缺如スルカ, 或ハ甚ダ乏少ナリ.<br>13. 胎生期ニ於テハ扁桃腺被嚢ハ主トシテ膠基纖維並ニ彈力纖維ヨリ成リ, 格子状纖維ハ之ニ與ル事少シ. 然ルニ扁桃腺實質組織内ニ於テハ間質組織ハ主トシテ格子状纖維ヨリ成リ, 膠基纖維, 彈力纖維亦存在スト雖, 彼ニ比スレバ甚ダ纖細ニシテ間質組織トシテハ前者ニ比シ意義少シ.<br>14. 胎兒口蓋扁桃腺ニ於テハ扁桃腺實質部タルト被嚢部タルトヲ問ハズ一般ニ格子状纖維ハ胎生初期 (第三ヶ月) ニ於テ既ニヨク發育分布セルニ反シ, 彈力纖維, 膠基纖維ハ胎生初期ニ於テ既ニ發生スレ共, 其發育極メテ微々タルノ顯著ナル相違アリ. 而テ胎生中期 (第五, 六ヶ月) 以後ニ至レバヨク發育分布サルルニ至ル.<br>15. 口蓋扁桃腺實質部ニ於ケル各纖維ハ, 扁桃腺周圍組織ニ於ケルモノニ比スレバ甚ダ繊細ニシテ, 彈力纖維, 膠基纖維ニ於テ殊ニ顯著ナリ.<br>16. 扁桃腺被嚢ハ胎生第三ヶ月ニ於テ既ニ其
森山 寛
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.88, no.8, pp.980-982, 1995-08-01
大村 咲 北村 守正 平野 滋 楯谷 一郎 嘉田 真平 古田 一郎 三浦 誠 伊藤 壽一
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.107, no.8, pp.639-643, 2014

We report herein on a case of minocycline-induced black thyroid with papillary thyroid carcinoma. A 60-year-old female, who had taken oral minocycline intermittently for osteomyelitis of the mandible for two years, noticed a palpable thyroid nodule. Fine needle aspiration of the nodule revealed atypical cells and the serum thyroglobulin level was high. Under the diagnosis of suspected thyroid carcinoma, a hemithyroidectomy with central compartment neck dissection was performed. The color of the tumor, which was diagnosed as a papillary carcinoma, was white. On the other hand, the color of the normal thyroid gland was dark red to black with minocycline pigmentation. Minocycline therapy may induce headache, nausea, vomiting, liver dysfunction and dental hyperpigmentation in children. But a minocycline-induced black thyroid is uncommon. Recently, there have been some reports that the risk of malignancy in black thyroid glands is higher than in non-black thyroids.
稲垣 千果夫 沖田 容一 折田 洋造
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.76, no.6, pp.1603-1610, 1983

新生仔ゴールデンハムスターにおける蓋膜辺縁のコルチ器表面との接続形態について, 特に marginal pillar (MP) をスチレン樹脂割断法を併用してSEMで観察し, 次のような結果を得た.<br>1) MPは生後4-6日目の下方回転より出現し, 生後10-14日目にも顕著となり, 生後16日目には消失していた.<br>2) MPの出現部位は Deiters 細胞第三列目の細胞表面であり, 蓋膜下面への付着部位は辺縁よりもやや内側 (蝸牛軸側) であった.<br>3) 生後5-10日目頃では, Deiters 細胞第一列目, 二列目の細胞表面にもMPと同様の構造物を認めた.<br>ハムスターでは, MPの消失するのは聴毛の形態が完成した直後であり, 他の動物による諸家の報告を考え合わせれば, MPはコルチ器が完成するまでの間, 蓋膜を固定, 保持する作用を持つことは間違いないものと思われ, MPの消失がコルチ器の発達完了を示す指標になるものと考えられた.
神田 智子 高橋 晴雄 長谷部 誠司 船曳 和雄
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.92, no.3, pp.239-243, 1999-03-01

A case with a primary mastoid cholesterol cyst accompanying massive bone destruction is reported. The patient was a 43-year-old male, who visited our clinic because of vertigo. Otoneurological examination revealed the patient' s hearing and vestibular function to be nearly normal. A temporal bone CT showed a soft tissue mass in the left mastoid with large bone defects in the posterior and middle cranial fossae, and fistulas in all of the semicircular canals. MRI revealed a huge mass in the mastoid cavity apparently compressing the temporal lobe of the brain. The patient refused surgical treatment, and during the subsequent 4 year follow-up period the mass developed further and a cholesterol cyst was suspected based on the results of another MRI. Surgery revealed a huge cholesterol cyst located in the mastoid cavity with large bone defects and an exposed dura. Histological examination showed cholesterol granuloma accompanied by inflammation and bleeding and surrounded by thick scar tissue.<br>Obstructive and persistent inflammation in the mastoid was considered to be related to development of the mastoid cholesterol cyst.
梅田 裕生 船曳 和雄 高橋 晴雄 長谷部 誠司
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.92, no.1, pp.27-30, 1999-01-01
4 5

A case with post-traumatic cholesteatoma of the external auditory meatus extending into the mastoid is reported. A 27-year-old male visited our clinic with complaints of left otorrhea and hearing impairment lasting six months. He had suffered ahead injury three years previously. The left external auditory meatus was filled with otorrhea and debris, and an audiogram revealed slight conductive hearing loss. Computed tomography revealed a fracture line on the bony external auditory meatus and bone resorption at the medial part of the fracture near the eardrum. A soft tissue density mass was observed from the site of bone resorption to the mastoid antrum. During surgery, we found a temporal bone fracture filled with scar tissue, to which the external auditory meatus adhered. At the posterior part of the external auditory meatus medial to the fracture, the epithelium of the external auditory meatus had intruded into the antrum to form a cholesteatoma, which had extended into the whole mastoid cavity. Constriction of scar tissue at the fracture site during healing and a loss of ventilation at the mastoid were suggested to be involved in the pathogenesis of this cholesteatoma.
中西 豊 竹内 英二 北野 博也 矢沢 代四郎 北嶋 和智
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.89, no.4, pp.429-433, 1996-04-01
3 1

We treated a 20-year-old man with a blind bullet wound of the left temporal bone and perforating bullet wounds of the right temporal legion, the right upper arm and right femur.<br>Following physical examination, X-P, and CT, a bullet was detected in the left temporal bone. However, other wounds did not contain bullets. Emergency surgery was performed. The bullet was suspected to have entered through the posterior part of the mastoid tip, pass through the mastoid cavity and stopped at the tympanum. The facial canal was partially broken at the vertical portion, however the facial nerve was not damaged. The bullet was removed after resecting the posterior external auditory canal. Tympanoplasty type i combined with external canal wall drilling-down technique was performed.<br>The patient showed left facial palsy after surgery. However, this gradually improved. The postoperative course in his left ear was good without infection, although the patient was deaf in that ear.
福田 章一郎 井口 郁雄 福島 邦博 木村 宣彦 杉原 博子 松原 浄
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊 (ISSN:09121870)
vol.1993, no.64, pp.27-35, 1993

Group pure tone screening test was performed on kindergartners to efficiently screen for hearing disorders. Pure tones of 500,1000 and 4000 Hz in each ear were combined with a hand raising response. The test frequency of 500 Hz was added to screen for otitis media.<BR>About 80% of children over 3 years and 6 months of age were capable of takin g the group screening test with hand raising response. At the same time, the ratio of children who could pass the screening test also increased considerably from 45.2% to 65.2%.<BR>Although we used 500 Hz to screen for otitis media, it was difficult to di a g nose otitis media by hearing screening only. Therefore, hearing screening was mainly effective in determining moderate hearing loss and unilateral sensorineural hearing loss.<BR>We found that a well-planned screening procedure and preparation b e fore the screening as well as decrease in the fail one rate on initial screening are necessary to examine large numbers of children rapidly and screen hearing disorders efficiently.
林 裕史 新正 由紀子 朝戸 裕貴 加我 君孝
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.103, no.10, pp.903-907, 2010 (Released:2010-10-01)

In treating congenital microtia and atresia, we conduct simultaneous external canal plasty, tympanoplasty, and auricle elevation with plastic surgeons about 6 months after auricleplasty by only plastic surgeons. The results are good both cosmetically and functionally. We report 13 cases in which hearing did not improve satisfactorily after surgery using postoperative high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of the temporal bone. Lateral healing was seen in 9 (69%), new bone proliferation in 3 (23%), malpositioning of a cartilage block in 2 (15%), and both lateral healing and malpositioning of a cartilage block in 1 (7.6%).
伊藤 明和 柳田 則之 鈴木 康之 鈴木 浩二 坂堂 正生 田中 八郎 吉田 充治 三宅 弘 丹羽 英人 加藤 通郎
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.72, no.11, pp.1539-1551_2, 1979

1. 臨床的に鼻アレルギーと診断された120症例中脱落26例を除いた94症例について, Gamma globulin を Placebo としてHGの二重盲検法による治験を行い, 著効5症例, 有効18症例, やや有効13症例, 無効11症例の成績を得た. やや有効を有効例に含めた有効率は76.6%, やや有効を無効例に含めた有効率は48.9%で, いずれの場合も Placebo 群の有効率を上回った.<br>2. 鼻症状の改善では, 鼻閉の改善においては有意差が認められなかったが, くしゃみ, 鼻汁の改善および総合鼻症状改善度では有意差が認められた.<br>3. 鼻粘膜所見の改善では, 分泌物の量については有意な改善が認められなかったが, 下甲介腫脹, 色調および総合鼻粘膜所見改善度については有意差が認められた.<br>4. 総合改善度については, 推計学的に明白な有意差が認められた.<br>5. 皮内反応, 誘発反応, 鼻汁中好酸球では両群間の成績に明らかな差はないが, ヒスタミン反応では, H群に有意な改善が認められる.<br>6. 副作用は全例に認められなかった.<br>7. これらの成績からして, 鼻アレルギーに対してHGは十分使用に値する薬剤であると考える.
Hisayoshi Ishizaki
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊 (ISSN:09121870)
vol.156, pp.26-33, 2021 (Released:2021-03-11)

Intratympanic gentamicin is used to control episodic vertigo in patients with the severe form of Meniere’s disease, but it may also cause hearing loss. The purpose of this study was to investigate gentamicin-induced changes in hearing in such patients.In this study, a total of 38 patients (mean age 55.4 y, range 23–86 y, male 16, female 22, side rt 17, lt 21) who received intratympanic gentamicin administration were monitored by pure-tone audiogram (PTA) and click-evoked extratympanic electrocochleography (ECoG) over a period of five years. Hearing detection thresholds were measured by PTA, and the summating potential (SP), action potential (AP) and SP/AP ratio were determined by ECoG. The patients received dilute gentamicin solution with sodium bicarbonate administration into the middle ear 1 or 2 times.The mean hearing level at mid frequencies (500–2000 Hz) was 47 dB before the treatment and 40 dB after the treatment. The mean hearing gains at the frequencies of 125, 250, 500 Hz, and 1 kHz were 12.6, 12.1, 10.5, and 6.2 dB, respectively. The differences in the hearing levels at the frequencies of 125, 250, and 500 Hz recorded before and after treatment were statistically significant (p<0.001).The longitudinal follow-up conducted after the treatment did not show any worsening of the hearing levels or relapse of the vestibular symptoms. The SP/AP ratio (0.49 before and 0.34 after treatment) seemed to return to normal in the long term after gentamicin treatment. Normalized SP/AP resulted in hearing gain at the frequencies of 250 and 500 Hz. The amplitudes of the SP (0.59 before and 0.3 after treatment), and especially of the AP (1.23 before and 0.86 after treatment), decreased after gentamicin treatment, indicating hearing loss. The hearing was better in 16 cases (42%) and showed no change in 18 cases (47%), while hearing loss occurred in 4 cases (11%) because of gentamicin.Intratympanic gentamicin treatment alleviated hearing loss and reduced vertigo. It also normalized the SP/AP ratio, and the consequent hearing gain may reflect a reduction in endolymphatic hydrops. Long-term observation after gentamicin treatment revealed stable hearing.
涌谷 治夫 稲守 徹 森 裕司 町塚 博文 雲井 健雄
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊 (ISSN:09121870)
vol.1986, no.4, pp.9-14, 1986

Thirty-five normal subjects were stabirographically studied using a force plate on the rolling platform. The rolling was controled manually between 0 and 0.6 Hz applied at random. The upper limit of power spectrum and phase shif between rolling and body movements were measured.<BR>These parameters were similar to the results of constant rolling of above 0.2 Hz and were influenced by the rolling of above 0.2 Hz in the random rolling.<BR>As the rolling was controled manually, the power spectrum of rolling was not stable and the content of random rolling changed at every measurment. The motor of rolling platform made noise during acceleration and deceleration allowing the subjects know the rythm of rolling.<BR>These problem indicated that this technique was not adequate for the prevention of forecasting behavior.
市川 良之 井本 祥子 中島 築 海野 徳二 白戸 勝 川堀 真一 高橋 光明 中村 晃 熊井 恵美 野中 聡 長島 泰行 金井 直樹
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊 (ISSN:09121870)
vol.1987, no.15, pp.86-94, 1987

A clinical evaluation was conducted on 107 patients with laryngeal cancer treated in our department between 1976 and 1985. Their mean age was 64.0 years, and the male to female ratio was 12: 1. Histopathologically, squamous cell carcinoma was the most common malignant tumor constituting 97.2% of all the cases, whereas there were only 3 cases of verrucous carcinoma. There were 52 cases of glottis,52of supraglottis and 3 of subglottis. The overall five-year survival rate was 62.7%. The five-year survival rates for Stages I to IV were 74.6%,84.9%,54.2% and 31.1%, respectively. As the five-year survival rate of T4 cases was 0%, more aggresive therapies such as combinations of extended operation, irradiation and chemotherapy appear to be required in such cases. In our clinic, the patients with metastases to the cervical lymph nodes at preoperation were treated with radical neck dissection combined with the total laryngectomy in most cases. Radical neck dissection for such patients decreases the number of death due to uncontrolled metastases to the cervical lymph nodes. In the cases of the advanced stage, careful postoperative examination is required.
田中 久哉
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊 (ISSN:09121870)
vol.1994, no.71, pp.1-20, 1994

The scoring system is widely accepted as a simple and useful method for evaluating the degree of facial palsy, but there have been some problems in objectivity and reproducibility. This study investigated a new objective method of analyzing facial movements and examined the physiological range of asymmetry and differences between genders.<BR>Facial expression data input to an Apple Computer using Quick Tim e was analyzed by applying digital image editing techniques.<BR>Forty-six healthy volunteer subjects were analyzed utilizing this method. To quantify facial movements, several points on the face were identified to accurately monitor their movements. Twenty-four white marks were placed on the face, and 10 pictures in a series from resting to maximum movements were imported. The movements of each marker were expressed on a coordinate axis. Four voluntary facial movements (forehead wrinkling, eye closing, grinning and whistling) were examined.<BR>The trajectory of the marks were expressed n umerically and changes in an area within a polygon produced by connecting all marked points with a line were measured. The ratio of the area of maximum movement to the area at rest was obtained and used for comparative investigation.<BR>The differences in the ratio between the left and right sides were less than 6% in any area and any movement. There were no significant differences due to gender. Some areas obtained by subdividing showed larger changes with facial movements than other areas.
趙 沛英
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.77, no.3, pp.695-705, 1984

In the cerebellopontine angle, there are several different types of brain tumors. Acoustic neurinoma, meningioma and epidermoid are seen most frequently. Clinically, the differential diagnosis of these three brain tumors is very important. In this report, we present diagnostic characteristics of these brain tumors in the cerebellopontine angle. Instead of reporting typical cases, we venture to present atypical examples of each brain tumor, which are usually difficult to differentiate. Neurotological criteria for differential diagnosis of these brain tumors are proposed, in order to clarify the differential diagnostic features.
岡崎 儀四郎
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.21, no.4, pp.840-853, 1928

上來諸實驗ノ結果ニ基キ結論スレバ次ノ如シ.<br>1. 正常家兎ノ皷室腔内ニ注入セル色素ハ一定時間中ニ皷室腔内ヨリ吸收セラル.<br>2. 皷室腔ニ於ケル色素ノ吸收經路トシテハ血管, 淋巴管共ニ之ニ參與ス.<br>3. 皷室腔内ニ於ケル色素吸收ノ時間的經過ハ血液ニアリテハ注入後10分淋巴ニアリテハ30分ニシテ始メテ之ヲ證明シ此等液中ニ於ケル含有色素濃度ノ最高ニ達スル所要時間ハ血液ニ於テハ注入後2-3時間, 淋巴ニアリテハ3-4時間ナリ.<br>4. 色素吸收ノ時間的經過ニ於ケル血液及淋巴中ノ含有色素濃度ハ皷室腔内ニ注入セル色素ノ種類ニヨリテ差異アリ. 一般ニ擴散度大ナル色素 (Trypanblu, Trypanrot 及 Fuchsin S) 注入ノ場合ハ吸收ノ初期及中期ニ於テ血液中ノ色素濃度ハ淋巴ノ夫レニ比シ著シク大ナリ. 然ルニ吸收後期ニ至レバ血液及淋巴中ノ色素濃度ハ互ニ接近スルノミナラズ擴散度小ナル色素 (Neutralrt, Mlethylenblue) ノ場合ハ淋巴中ノ色素濃度ハ血液中ノ色素濃度ヲ凌駕スルニ至ル.<br>5. 皷室腔内ニ注入セル色素溶液ノ濃度ノ大小ニヨリテ色素吸收ノ時間的經過ニ多少ノ差異アリ. 一般ニ色素溶液ル濃度大ナルモノハ小ナルモノニ比シテ色素吸收ノ時間的經過ハ少シク延長ス.<br>6. 尿中ニ排泄セラル色素濃度ハ色素ノ種類ニヨリテ血液中ノ色素濃度ニ比シテ稍々大ナルモノ (Trypanblaue 及 Trypanrot) 及却テ小ナルモノ (Neutralrot, Mechylenblue, Fuchsin. S. etc) アリ.