由井 誠一郎 福喜多 啓三 福家 博史
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.74, no.5, pp.1312-1320, 1981

Rhinogenic Intracranial infection is a rare complication. Intracranial complication arising from nasal infections, principally afflictions of the accessory sinuses, is a very grave complication. Since the advent of chemotherapy and various antibiotics, its incidence and morbidity has diminished appreciably.<br>A case of rhinogenic spontaneous Intracranial complication is reported herein. The patient was a 16-year-old man with a swelling around the left eye-lid that had existed for two days. There had been headache and high fever. On examination, the spinal fluid was under pressure with a high cell count, consisting mostly of poly-morphonuclear cells. Four days after admission, he went into coma. Rhinogenic intracranial complication was suspected. A radical ethmoid, antrum and frontal sinus surgery was immediately carried out. Ten grams of SB-PC and 200mg of DKB were administered daily, but 12 days after admission, the careful CT scanning revealed that he had a subdural abscess. Drainage of the subdural abscess was carried out. The patient made a complete recovery 7 weeks after admission.


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こんな論文どうですか? 鼻性頭蓋内合併症の1例 (三吉康郎教授開講20周年記念論文集)(由井 誠一郎ほか),1981 http://t.co/atcugrx39b

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