朝香 知己
The Japan Society of Christian Studies
日本の神学 (ISSN:02854848)
vol.50, pp.55-73, 2011

This article examines the development of "Queer Theology" as a theological response to "Queer Theory." Queer theory focuses on differences among heterosexuals/homosexuals and questions the essentialist idea of sexual identity. It argues against the normativity of heterosexuality and aims to transcend the dualistic thinking of heterosexuality and homosexuality. Thus, queer theology incorporates such features of queer theory into theology. In summary, it is theology practiced by queer Christians, opposing theological heteronormativity and exploring queer things in Christianity. For the debate on homosexuality in Christianity, in a sense, queer theology seems to weaken lesbian/gay liberation based on its view of stable human sexuality owing to Creation by its constructionist position or to result in sexual lawlessness because of its position outside the norm. On the other hand, it warns of idolatry by demonstrating that normalization is always done by humans, reveals that heteronormativity leads to violence such as discrimination or oppression and consequently seems to encourage a more ethical view as a whole.


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