植松 正
Japan Legal History Association
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.1988, no.38, pp.1-42,en3, 1988

What was the change for Chinese officials in south China from the downfall of Song _??_ dynasty to the establishment of Yuan dynasty? Although we know the names of loyalists to former Song dynasty, due consideration should be also given to the appointment of the Chinese to the local offices under the conquest dynasty. Some Chinese literati _??__??_ including the successful candidates for the imperial examination _??__??_ in Song period, remained to be the officials under the Mongolian rule. Some wealthy powerful locals _??__??_ began to annex political, financial and social power in their native places. Therefore, many upstarts appeared in South China.<BR>Worrying about the influence of the former dynasty, Yuan government took precautions against the local governers. However in many cases, the government could not obtain satisfactory results. Problems of the appointment had grown hard to solve easily. First was the redundancy of the local officials. In Shi-zu's _??__??_ reign, Ahmad _??__??__??_ wielded power in the government and appointed merchants and unqualified people as officials. Second was the wealthy powerful locals. They often engaged themselves in illegal activities especially concerning the landownership and payment of tax and corv&eacute; taking advantage of being appointed as officials. Third was the succession of the position by their descendants. To solve the problems stated above, Yuan government had to reexamine the appointment system.<BR>In the early and middle Da-de _??__??_, era in Cheng-zong's _??__??_ reign, high-ranking officials in South China such as Zhu Qing _??__??_, Zhang Xuan _??__??_ and Hu Yi-sun _??__??__??_ lost their position and were accused to death. In 1301 (Da-de 7), two Special Pacification Commissioners _??__??__??__??_ were representatively dispatched to each six areas in China proper in order to watch local administration. They arrested a great number of officials amount to 18, 473 for bribery, and cleared many people from the false charge. An act was decided to issue in the same year, though it is now not sure whether the act was actually put in force. Officials in the Provincial Secretariat _??__??_ were ordered to move to another province because they often did evil by means of the territorial relationship. It was just the same time when the following generation reached to the age to get position in the office.<BR>In 1315 (Yan-you _??__??_ 2), the government conducted the first imperial examination, which was naturally welcomed by the Chinese Confucian scholars. It was carried out not only for meeting the earnest desire of Confucian scholars but for solving the problem of supply and demand of the local governers. The central government wanted to evade taking wealthy powerful locals, and assign the tallented governers including the Chinese, Mongolians and central Asians.<BR>Finally the author emphasize the various efforts for the appointment system in Yuan period contributed to establish the bureaucracy in Ming _??_ dynasty.


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