上坂 充 木下 健一 西原 鉄平
The Visualization Society of Japan
可視化情報学会誌 (ISSN:09164731)
vol.20, no.1, pp.17-24, 2000

Dynamic visualization of atomic motion is going to be available by the femtosecond beam flash method. The method utilizes two synchronized femtosecond beams such as electron, laser, X-ray, ion and neutron. This can be done at Nuclear Engineering Research Laboratory, University of Tokyo. Especially, the time-resolved X-ray diffraction, which is one of the femtosecond beam flash methods, enables the dynamic visualization of atomic motions. Visualized atomic motions in coherent phonon, phase relaxation, phase transition, thermal expansion and shock wave in GaAs monocrystal irradiated by the femtosecond laser are described in this paper.


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こんな論文どうですか? フェムト秒ビームフラッシュ法による原子の動画像化(上坂 充ほか),2000 https://t.co/G8H1XmCPpl

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