久保田 武
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.40, no.1, pp.3-12, 1992

The outline of this paper is to report how the author, as principal of Haneda High School in Tokyo, has managed to persuade the Tokyo Metropolitan Education Board authorities to build a new type of swimming pool which makes effective use of solar energy with the help of his geographical and meteorological background.<br>The more details are as follows:<br>By comparing the data of sensible temperature of the Haneda Air Port, only two kilometers from the author's high school, with those of AMeDAS station of Nerima which is located much more inland of Tokyo, the author found the fact that the level of sensible temperature of Haneda is substantially lower than that of Nerima in early summer and early autumn during 1985-1987 (cf. Fig. 3-Fig. 8)<br>This finding definitely influenced senior officials of the Tokyo Education Board, and they permit the school to build a pool with a movable and transparent roof.<br>As an indication of sensible temperature, the author used the cooling power originally derived from A, Hill (1923). It is given by the following equation.<br>Cooling Power=(0.13+0.47&radic;v)(36.5-t) for v&ge;1.0m/sec&hellip;&hellip;(1)<br>Cooling Power=(0.20+0.40&radic;v)(36.5-t) for v&ge;1.0m/sec&hellip;(2)<br>v: wind Velocity (m/sec)<br>t: temperature (&deg;C)<br>There are two reasons why the author used this equation. Firstly, it is relatively simple and is easy to calculate (cf. (1), (2)) Secondly, the grading of the cooling power is simple, too (cf. Table 1). The authorities concerned can easily understand what these data mean even without sound Knowledge of geography and meteorology.<br>As for the reason why sensible temperature at Haneda is much lower than at Nerima is very clear. It is mostly accounted for by wind velocity and not by temperature (cf. Table 5).<br>Finally, the author thinks it profitable and effective to have a roofed swimming pool for all schools in most parts of Japan, where the swimming season in schools coincides with two cool rainy seasons; the one is in early summer called &ldquo;Baiu&rdquo;, and another comes in early autumn called &ldquo;Shurin&rdquo;, On the other hand, the hottest season of mid-summer is the only suitable season for swimming, but it is unfortunately the period of school vacation.


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こんな論文どうですか? 地理学を生かした学校経営の事例 体感温度を利用した屋根付きプールの建設:体感温度を利用した屋根付きプールの建設(久保田 武),1992 https://t.co/UzZMJGSkkv The outline of this …

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