近藤 良享
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.20, no.1, pp.15-30, 1998

The purpose of this study is to clarify the issue of an individual's sovereignty over his own body and person in the field of professional boxing.<br>This study is based on the debate between the well-known principles of individual sovereignty as presented by John Stuart Mill and the paternalistic regulations issued by the Japanese Boxing Commission (JBC).<br>The results here are as follows:<br>1. In a free society which emphasizes individual autonomy, a professional boxer such as J. Tatsuyoshi has sovereignty over his own body, the reason being that strong paternalism cannot be justified in the case of adult athletes.<br>2. In order to promote sound professional boxing, JBC should provide safe athletic settings and examine the medical condition of all boxers by means of medical examinations and empirical studies.<br>3. A balance of sovereignty and paternalism in sports should be achieved in an open system for all athletes. Moreover, unfair regulations should be replaced with fair ones.


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こんな論文どうですか? スポーツにおける自己決定とパターナリズムに関する基礎的研究:辰吉選手問題を事例として(近藤 良享),1998 https://t.co/GTmpEYtdnW

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