照屋 太郎
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.30, no.1, pp.47-64, 2008

The purpose of this study was to compare Mushin (the state of no thought, no mind), A. H. Maslow's Peak Experience, and M. Csikszentmihalyi's Flow. Masters have purported Mushin as the goal of Budo and Geido throughout the history. This study clarified the community and the difference of these three.<br>This research was based on literatures written by a Japanese master swordsman who had lived in 17<sup>th</sup> century (Munenori Yagyu), his teacher in Zen (Takuan), a Zen master (D. T. Suzuki) in present day, Maslow, and Csikszentmihalyi. The meanings of Mushin, Peak Experience, and Flow were identified by the literatures review. Then these three were compared to clarify the community and the difference of them.<br>The results were as follows:<br>Mushin is to devote oneself to what one is doing. Mushin is to feel oneself, to consider what one should do, and to decide what one does. Peak Experience and Flow concerns the phenomenon in which one devote oneself. This is the community of them and Mushin. But, Peak Experience and Flow are psychological state that isn't accompanied by any consideration or decision, however they are necessary for Mushin.<br>Mushin is just to devote oneself on what one really wants to do. Peak Experience and Flow include this, too. This can be called as living Mushin. Because, this Mushin concerns what one really wants to do. With this Mushin, one actualizes what one is, and one's life can be said to be living.<br>But, in the case of Peak Experience and Flow, they also include the phenomenon in which one is concentrated on something naturally and automatically. The moment of laughter at a funny story is an example. This can be called as Mushin that isn't living. Because, one doesn't actualize what one is with this Mushin. This Mushin has danger side. This Mushin doesn't concern the thing that one really wants to do. So, in this Mushin, one isn't living.<br>Peak Experience and Flow include both of Mushin. And, Mushin that masters has purported as the goal of Budo and Geido is just living Mushin. It is the difference of these three.


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照屋太郎「無心の境地と, 至高経験, フロー体験との共通性と違い」『体育・スポーツ哲学研究』30(1)、2008年。https://t.co/b8Y2KgxWlQ

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