湯川 聰子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
家政学雑誌 (ISSN:04499069)
vol.20, no.7, pp.557-561, 1969

A large proportion of the families with working wives have no children. Also in a large percentage of cases working women's families with children live with either wives' or husbands' mothers. This fact indicates that it is difficult for wives to work out without the cooperation of their families, especially of their mothers. On the other hand, many wives who hold jobs send their children to nursery schools. To send them to nursery schools has been made easier these days owing to the recent increase of nursery schools, but there are still many complaints about them especially insufficiency in number, lack of baby nurseries and shortage of available hours.<BR>The &ldquo;white collar&rdquo; married women's chief motive for resigning from their positions is their husbands' transference to remote places.


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