岡部 広治
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
no.57, pp.23-41,L1, 1977

The Cuban Revolution had progressed from the democratic phase to the socialist without interruption, soon after its triumph over the Batista dictatorship backed by the U. S. imperialism in 1959.<br>The problem on which we should like shed light in this paper is: Why could Fidel Castro lead such a revolution as a passionate <i>non-communist</i> revolutionary, in spite of the fact that the Popular Socialist Party (the Communist Party in Cuba) had been relatively strong in Latin America? We could find a principal reason for it in his basic thoughts and activities as their realization.<br>In the first place, he has always emphasized the role of the <i>popular masses</i> in the revolutionary process. Even in formulating the armed struggle as the principal way to the revolution, as in the Moncada attack and the guerrilla warfare in Sierra Maestra, he had striven to develop the revolutionary consciousness of the people. The idea that the people make history has been running as a constant current in his mind.<br>Secondly, he has persistently pursed for the formation of the <i>united front</i> against the Batista dictatorship and the U. S. imperialism. It is true that the 26th of July Movement led by him could not reach to the agreement of common struggle with the Popular Socialist Party until immediately after the victory of the revolution, but it was because of the profound anti-communism, the main obstacle to the united front, of the other bourgeois opposition party leaders, who had signed the "Pact of Caracas" with the Movement. Fidel has never had any animosity against the communism, having read and learnt the works of Marx, Engels and Lenin since his university years, though he had had some "prejudices" against the Communists. Hence, his constant presence in the revolutionary leadership.<br>Thirdly and finally, he has consistently looked for the <i>democracy</i>, not only in the political aspect, as did the bourgeois opposition political leaders, but also in the economic and social, that is, in the true sense. Thanks to his profound conception of democracy, he could naturally and spontaneously transform himself from the simple democrat into the assiduous socialist. And he could add some particular hues to the Cuban socialism, with the democratic emphasis.


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こんな論文どうですか? フィデル・カストロ:第三世界政治家研究(岡部 広治),1977 https://t.co/F666nU7ef6 The Cuban Revolution had prog…

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