小出 昭 岩渕 耕 外山 敬一 坂内 昇 白川 健一
一般社団法人 国立医療学会
医療 (ISSN:00211699)
vol.18, no.2, pp.69-76, 1964

Gastroscopy, acidity test of gastric juice, occult blood test, X-ray examination, and histological examination were carried out in 300 cases (213 cases of men and 87 cases of women) for two years from Sept., 1960 to Sept., 1962.<br>By gastroscopy 16 cases were diagnosed as normal, 207 cases as chronic gastritis, 66 cases as gastric ulcer, 9 cases as gastric carcinoma, and 2 cases as gastric polyp.<br>Superficial gastritis and hypertrophic gastritis were frequent in persons of younger age, and so were atrophic gastritis in forties, gastric ulcer in thirties, and gastric carcinoma in persons of advanced age.Gastric ulcer and superficial, hypertrophic gastritis were relatively frequent in men, while atrophic gastritis in women.<br>In many cases gastric carcinoma was accompanied by atrophic gastritis, gastric ulcer by superficial gastritis and atrophic gastritis, duodenal ulcer by superficial and hypertrophic<br>gastritis, and cholecystiasis by gastritis.<br>Most of patients complained of epigastric pain.<br>The rate of positive occult blood test of feces was high in cases of gastric carcinoma, but comparatively high in those of normal stomach and chronic gastritis.<br>Zero acidity was frequent in cases of gastric carcinoma and positive acidity in those of gastric ulcer. In many cases of chronic gastritis which showed atrophic degeneration, acidity tended to decrease. It was thought that in cases of gastric carcinoma and gastric ulcer the accompanying gastritis predominated their inherent degeneration and greatly affected the acidity. In many cases of gastric carcinoma the occult blood test of gastric juice was positive, and especially positive in all the cases of zero acidity. This test was positive in only a few cases of chronic gastritis and in a relatively few cases of gastric ulcer.<br>Diagnosis with X-ray examination coincided well enough with that of gastroscopy. In some of cases which were diagnosed as normal stomach and gastroptosis, chronic gastritis was found by gastroscopy. Atrophic degeneration was seen more frequent in gastroptosis than in normal stomach.<br>Diagnosis with gastroscopy was consistent with that with operation and histological examination.


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