高橋 良二
The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases
日本傳染病學會雜誌 (ISSN:00214817)
vol.39, no.8, pp.298-303, 1965

It has been pointed out by Dr. Abe that the rate of isolation of sh. Sonnei from the dysentery patients had increased, as did the multi-drug resistant strains. The majority of sh. strains isolated from the inpatients was found to be drug-resistant.<BR>In this time, it was demonstrated that a new chemotherapeutic agent, Chlor-Acetoxylin-Qinidin. (CAQ), had strong antibacterial activity against sh. flexneri and vibrio parahamolyticus, but moderate activity to sh. sonnei.<BR>CAQ concentration in the blood following the oral administration of this medicine was sometimes. very low, wheras the concentration in the intestinal fluid was very high. This phenomenon is intergreted by malabsorption of CAQ from the intertine In such a case, the study showed that the medicine was found in the rectum within very short time following the administration of this medicine, due to frequent peristalsis of the intertioe. On the treatment of dysentery good clinical effects were obtained, woan the causative bacteria was sh. flexnari, but only fair clinical effects against sh. sonnei because of less sensitive bacteria to CAQ than the former. Furthermore it shout be emphasixzd that CAQ was very effective to the so-called drug-resistant straics without any side effects. Thorefore it might be conluded that CAQ is a valuable drug on cliniaal and prophylactic use prophylactic use for dysemery.


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こんな論文どうですか? 細菌性赤痢及び赤痢様疾患に対するクロルーアセトキシキノリン (Silital) 投与成績(高橋 良二),1965 https://t.co/tj8YBC9ZYl

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