毛里 和子
一般財団法人 アジア政経学会
アジア研究 (ISSN:00449237)
vol.55, no.2, pp.70-84, 2009

In contrast to the image of a "moving China" outlined by the four previous papers, this article inquires into the possibility of a "stable China". The argument is that we can identify some elements of stubborn continuity behind the fast-changing façade of contemporary China. One such example is the <i>hukou zhidu </i>system (the system of residency permits) which has survived all the reforms of the past thirty years. Is there any useful model in conceptualizing these two seemingly contradictory aspects of contemporary China? The article offers four possible models, and suggests that the China-is-China model is the more promising.


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"戸籍制度は、農民と農民工を農村に縛りつけるための強制措置であり、公有の土地はフロートする農民工を完全な失業者にさせないための最後の砦""共産党の一党支配を支える最後のよりどころ" →2009年

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