土屋 欣之 野口 忠秀 篠崎 泰久 伊藤 弘人 神部 芳則 草間 幹夫
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.58, no.2, pp.67-71, 2012

A case of orbital abscess with gas gangrene due to odontogenic infection is reported. Although orbital abscesses are rare, they may result in fatal complications. A 68-year-old woman presented with pain and swelling of the left cheek and lower eyelid. She was unable to open her left eye. Oral examination revealed alveolar gingival swelling due to a periapical lesion of the left upper anterior tooth. Computed tomographic scans confirmed abscess formation in the left orbit and the presence of a gas bubble. The ocular tension was 50 mmHg. On admission to our hospital, the patient started to receive antibiotics (PAPM/BP and CLDM), the left lower eyelid was incised, and the abscess was successfully drained. <i>Alpha-streptococcus</i>, <i>coagulase-negative staphylococcus</i>, and <i>Prevotella melaniogenica</i> were detected in the suppuration. The patient was given a diagnosis of orbital abscess with gas gangrene due to odontogenic infection extending by way of the orbit.


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CiNii 論文 - 歯性感染症によるガス壊疽を伴った眼窩内膿瘍の1例 - http://t.co/wRQiodfiUh / 68歳の女性は左目を開けられず、頬と下まぶたの痛みや腫れを主訴に受診。左上前歯の根尖病巣と歯槽歯肉腫脹があり、抗生物質投与と左下まぶたの切開排膿を行った。

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