上村 常治 鈴木 真二 柄沢 研治
一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会
vol.12, pp.107-109, 2013

The aircraft descent profile has many factors, such as selected airspeed, flight weight, wind, initial altitude, and outside temperature even if fixed idle thrust was assumed. This article tries to prove a rule of thumb that "Even if the wind changes at lower altitude during descent, the flight path will converge at a lower altitude". This may be useful information for flight operation, if it is correct. In addition idle thrust descents are a useful method for fuel economy operation. This paper tries to support this rule of thumb by numerical simulations of flight paths with different wind conditions.


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こんな論文どうですか? 燃料消費節減に効率的な降下開始地点の予測についての覚書:(降下飛行の経験則の検証)(上村 常治ほか),2013 https://t.co/zlnQChXavd
こんな論文どうですか? 燃料消費節減に効率的な降下開始地点の予測についての覚書:(降下飛行の経験則の検証)(上村 常治ほか),2013 https://t.co/zlnQChXavd

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