田邊 尚子
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2010, no.23, pp.83-93, 2010

This paper attempts to demonstrate the concept of discursive psychology (DP) to study talk and texts. DP is an approach that takes discourse such as talk and texts and studies them as social practice. DP characterizes discourse as situated, action-oriented, and constructed. This paper focuses on the idea that discourse is situated and investigates the process of discourse analysis in Gilbert and Mulkay's work as an example. The conclusion is that DP focuses on how words appear to be coherently related. DP has utility in analyzing the effect of words to the flow in talk and texts.


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[談話分析][Gilbert&Mulkay] 田邊尚子(2010)「ディスカーシヴ・サイコロジーにおけるディスコース分析のアイデア:語彙の連関的使用への注目」 年報社会学論集 2010(23), 83-93, 2010, 関東社会学会 https://doi.org/10.5690/kantoh.2010.83

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