重松 潤 伊藤 義徳 神谷 信輝 平仲 唯 木甲斐 智紀 尾形 明子
公益財団法人 パブリックヘルスリサーチセンター

<p>Despite the fact that induced discovery is considered to be an essential element of cognitive behavioral therapy, fundamental study of it is still uncommon. Through an empirical examination of this point, the paper notes how some previous studies have incorporated the perspective of "Total conviction" which is a core element of induced discovery. However, the factors promoting "Total conviction" are yet to be examined. Therefore, in this study, in order to model and investigate the hypothesis that an "impasse" in everyday problem-solving situations can serve to promote "Total conviction" toward problem-solving strategies, as well as inspire a sense of willingness toward a problem, we conducted a questionnaire survey of 368 university students. This resulted in a model showing a series of associations whereby the mediation of "Total conviction" by the intensity of an "impasse" exerted a positive effect on willingness to engage with a problem. This study suggests the possibility that an everyday "impasse" may be a driving factor in bringing about problem-solving behavior.</p>


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「行き詰まり感」が問題解決過程における解決方略に対する「腑に落ちる理解」とWillingnessに及ぼす影響 : https://t.co/iU1QzsTvUG

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