田中 義人 吉川 博文 牛久 哲
一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会
vol.96, no.6, pp.764-769, 2017

<p>MITSUBISHI HITACHI POWER SYSTEMS, LTD. (MHPS) has supplied technologies to remove NOX, SOX and so on in flue gas in thermal power plant over a period of time. In addition to advancement of the technologies to remove them, in recent years, MHPS has developed Air Quality Control System (AQCS) technology to remove harmful trace substances actively. Countries have ratified Minamata convention on mercury and a worldwide interest in mercury emission among harmful trace substances has been growing. MHPS's mercury removal technology uses high functional SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) system, Gas-GasHeater (GGH), ESP and wet-flue gas desulfurization system in an integrated manner. High removal performance of mercury has already proven in pilot demonstration facilities (1.5 MW in Japan and 5 MW in the US) and in actual coal-fired thermal power plant (720 MW in the US).</p>


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