眞島 善雄 喜多村 一男
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.18, no.12, pp.400-404, 1940

Assuming that an upper air current obeys the law of gradient wind and the horizontal temperature gradient of each layer is uniform, the hodograph formed by the upper wind vectors must be nearly a straight line, because the lenght of the hodograph mainly relates to the temperature and the values of the horizontal temperature gradients, and closely to the acceleration of vertical circulation in the baroclinic field.<br>The area enclosed by the wind vectors and the hodograph relates also closely to the movement of the energy and acceleration of horizontal circulations of the air.<br>Under the idea above mentioned we investigated the hodograph of the upper air current and explatined its application.


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上層風のホドグラフと其の利用 https://t.co/31zNm3vaWC

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