牛場 翔太 松本 和彦 宮川 成人 沖野 剛士 品川 歩 岡 優果 木村 雅彦 小野 尭生 金井 康 井上 恒一
公益社団法人 日本表面真空学会
表面と真空 (ISSN:24335835)
vol.63, no.7, pp.358-363, 2020

<p>Since ion-sensitive field effect transistors (ISFETs) have been developed in 1970, much attention has been focused on FET-based biosensors. In particular, graphene is one of the promising candidates for FET-based biosensors owing to their high electron/hole mobilities and unique 2D nature. Herein, we report specific detection of biomolecules using sialylglycopeptide-modified graphene FET (G-FET) biosensors. In addition, we also present state-space models (SSMs) to analyze time-series data of G-FET biosensors. This computational approach helps to separate the response against target biomolecules from the baseline drifted data. G-FET biosensors open the door to a more versatile sensing platform for biomolecules and biological functions.</p>


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