李 晋寧
スポーツ史研究 (ISSN:09151273)
vol.33, pp.19-41, 2020

People in China experienced unprecedented confusion under the directed political ideology, powerand class struggle in the decade of the so-called' Proletarian Cultural Revolution' during 1966and 1976. The violence that occurred during the Cultural Revolution left a deep shadow on thedevelopment of sports activities such as football. This paper will explore Liu Qi's Football Fan'sDiary( 1966-1998) as a primary source and use it in an analysis of a new sport history that considersthe political sensitivities of the era.<BR> The contents of Football Fan's Diary describe the transition of the circumstances of football fromprior to the Cultural Revolution to changes that occurred following it. In particular, the' ProletarianClass Strife' slogan', Friendship First, Competition Second', caused social confusion. The diaryprovides an excellent account of the characteristics and significance of the relationship betweenfootball and politics of the era.<BR> To put an emphasis upon competitive and entertaining aspects in football was not encouraged inthe era. As a result, football was partly separated from the nature of sports as a play. Football wasforced to be a tool through physical education to adapt to the political purpose of implementing theproletarian revolution.<BR> Under the standardized authoritative value and belief brought by the Cultural Revolution, thedemocratic value of sports was suppressed, which eventually caused the delay in the development offootball as modern sports with a' play theory' in China.


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