李 晋寧
スポーツ史研究 (ISSN:09151273)
vol.33, pp.19-41, 2020 (Released:2021-04-30)

People in China experienced unprecedented confusion under the directed political ideology, power and class struggle in the decade of the so-called‘ Proletarian Cultural Revolution’ during 1966 and 1976. The violence that occurred during the Cultural Revolution left a deep shadow on the development of sports activities such as football. This paper will explore Liu Qi’s Football Fan’s Diary( 1966-1998) as a primary source and use it in an analysis of a new sport history that considers the political sensitivities of the era. The contents of Football Fan’s Diary describe the transition of the circumstances of football from prior to the Cultural Revolution to changes that occurred following it. In particular, the‘ Proletarian Class Strife’ slogan‘, Friendship First, Competition Second’, caused social confusion. The diary provides an excellent account of the characteristics and significance of the relationship between football and politics of the era. To put an emphasis upon competitive and entertaining aspects in football was not encouraged in the era. As a result, football was partly separated from the nature of sports as a play. Football was forced to be a tool through physical education to adapt to the political purpose of implementing the proletarian revolution. Under the standardized authoritative value and belief brought by the Cultural Revolution, the democratic value of sports was suppressed, which eventually caused the delay in the development of football as modern sports with a‘ play theory’ in China.
榎本 鐘司
スポーツ史研究 (ISSN:09151273)
vol.4, pp.1-14, 1991-03-31 (Released:2017-03-18)

Kakegoe can be translated into "shouting" in English. In the matches of the Modern Kendo, various types of Kakegoe, such as 'Men''Kote''Doo''Yaa''Too', have been used. This study has two purposes. One is to clarify where Kakegoe of Kendo is traced back to, and the other is to point out the erroneous assumptions in the former studies of Budo history in order to offer the study of Budo history a new perspective. The gist of this paper is as follows:(1)In the Edo period, there were various schools of Kenjutsu with Kakegoe and various ones without Kakegoe. The KASHIMA-KATORI-SHINTO Schools, for instance, handed down Kakegoe. On the contrary, the SHINKAGE Schools and the ITTO Schools, which were the mainstream of Kenjutsu in the Edo period, did not hand it down. (2)The main function of Kakegoe of Kenjutsu in the Edo period was to increase and display the spirit of the performer, and was similar to that of the spells in Esoteric Buddhism. Some acting elements existed in Katas which were practised in the schools of Kenjutsu with Kakegoe in the Edo period. Because people belonging to these Schools somtimes used Kakegoe for the purposes of giving their opponents the signs of attacking and of expressing their feelings. (3)All schools of Kenjutsu with Kakegoe were local in the Edo period;that is to say, Kakegoe was handed down in the Schools mainly consisting of peasants. Neverthless, their modes of Kakegoe existed in the Shinai-Uchikomi-Shiai-Kenjutsu which became the mainstream of Kenjutsu by the last days of the Tokugawa shogunate and was the original form of the Modern Kendo. (4)It has been considered in the former studies of Kendo history that the Modern Kendo developed from the ITTO Schools and so on which were the mainstream of Kenjutsu in the Edo period. But, the history of Kakegoe tells us that the former studies of Kendo history are one-sided, and that the Modern Kendo can be traced back not only to the samurais' Kenjutsu but also to the Peasants' Kenjutsu.
竹村 匡弥
スポーツ史研究 (ISSN:09151273)
vol.21, pp.29-42, 2008-03-20 (Released:2017-03-18)

"Kappa" is an imaginary animal (a hobgoblin) typify in Japanese folk stories. There are oral traditions, which tell "Kappa like Sumo". Numerous reports have demonstrated that "Kappa like Sumo" in Japanese folklore, however, it has not been elucidated the question : "why Kappa like Sumo" yet. The aim of this study is to elucidate "why Kappa like Sumo", by using both historical and folklore materials. There are two descriptions about Nomino-Sukune in paragraph of the Emperor Suinin in "Nihon shoki" : the oldest official chronicles of Japan. One description is the legend which is telling that he originated Sumo at Anashihyouzu-jinjya shrine, and the other is the legend that Haniwa : the earthenware figures originated with him. It has suggested that Nomino-Sukune is a symbol of a craftman group of metal refining, by historical and folkloristic analysis of these two descriptions. This symbol overlaps with "Amenohiboko", who is a symbolic person of immigrants came over to ancient Japan. It is also overlapped with the faith of "Shiyuu": a person in Chinese legend. "Shiyuu" is considered to be "Hyouzu", and the people who used to be subordinated to "Shiyuu" are considered to be "Hyouzube". "Hyouzube" is a byname of Kappa, and these symbolic overlapping suggests that Nomino-Sukune was the boss (chief) of an ancestor of Kappa. These relationships give account for the question: why Kappa want to play Sumo.
尾川 翔大
スポーツ史研究 (ISSN:09151273)
vol.33, pp.1-17, 2020 (Released:2021-04-30)

The purpose of this study is to clarify the process of resolving the issue of jurisdiction in “athletic” from discussions of the Administrative Investigative Committee and the Administrative System Council established for examining this issue. The study focuses on the basic direction of administration and financial adjustment in the party cabinet era. Further, the study aims to clarify what meaning has been given to“ athletic” through these discussions. The first Kato Cabinet advanced the selection of the Chief of Cabinet Legislation Bureau in anticipation of the administrative and public finance and further repeated the instructions according to which each ministry and agency are required to follow the leadership of the party government. In the background was the recognition that the organizational system of the administration was complicated and fragmented. Due to this, the first and second Kato Cabinet claimed that the general public were being inconvenienced. The Administrative Investigation Committee was established in anticipation of the fact that these administrative problems had to be solved. The Administrative Investigation Committee was suitably composed to incorporate the Party Cabinet's intention with respect to the human and organizational aspects. The Chief of Cabinet Legislation Bureau was in a position enabling him to demonstrate initiative at the Administrative Investigation Committee. The decision of the Chief of Cabinet Legislation Bureau coincided with the claim of the first and second Cabinet to emphasize the convenience of the private sector. From these perspectives, it is possible to understand the deliberations on the jurisdiction of athletic in the Administrative Investigation Committee. This issue was about whether it was the Ministry of Education or the Ministry of Home Affairs was responsible for the athletic outside the school. Opinion of the people related to athletic directed giving the Ministry of Education the jurisdiction of the athletic. In addition, the Ministry of Education insisted on the educational significance of athletic, and the Ministry of Home Affairs insisted on the health significance of athletic. The proposals submitted by the legislative bureau and the remarks of the Chief of Cabinet Legislation Bureau followed opinion of the people related to athletic. The Administrative System Council set up by the Tanaka Cabinet succeeded the deliberation of the Administrative Investigation Committee. The Administrative System Council decided jurisdiction of “athletic” in the Ministry of Education. The following is a summarization of the above. The Administrative Investigation Committee and the Administrative System Council are a reflection of the intentions of the party cabinet, and the jurisdiction of athletic are determined in accordance with these intentions. In this process, athletic was given educational significance.
高橋 敏
スポーツ史研究 (ISSN:09151273)
vol.30, pp.41-51, 2017 (Released:2018-06-20)

群馬県下には、今日なお上州(上野国)といわれた江戸時代の在村剣術から二五代にわたって受け継が れてきた古武道が確固として命脈を保っている。高崎市吉井町に現存する樋口家と馬庭念流である。兵農 分離の刀狩りで剣術はおろか武器を根こそぎ取り上げられた筈の多胡郡馬庭村に、百姓身分でありながら 道場を構えて根を下ろし、周辺農村から上州一円、北関東、江戸にまで門人を獲得し、最盛期には門人が 数千と豪語された一大流派を築いた。更に明治維新以降の近代化のなかで前代の剣術諸流派が剣道に収 斂・統一される趨勢のなか、脈々と今日まで継承されてきた。そこには江戸時代の上州という風土と社会 が深くかかわっているように思われる。本講は、北関東上州の一農村の田舎剣法から門人数千の一大剣術 流派に発展した馬庭念流を手がかりに二世紀半にも及ぶ未曾有の平和な江戸時代に、身分制度の厚い壁を 破って展開していった武芸について考えてみたい。 上州、関東においては、兵農分離は身分制度として断行されたが、刀狩りは実施されず、武器の所持、 剣術の継承は禁止されることはなく許容された。樋口家は中世以来の在地土豪の権益を失い、公的には百 姓身分になったが、私的な領域においては姓を名乗り、帯刀し、念流を伝授することは黙認された。要は 在地土豪の念流を継承する郷士と馬庭村百姓の二つの顔を持つことになった。 馬庭念流は、江戸時代初頭から四代に長命にして剣技・指導力に優れた当主に恵まれ、北関東を中心に 多くの門弟を集め、江戸にまで進出して道場を経営し、一大流派の結社に発展する。門人は百姓町人のみ ならず、高家新田岩松氏、七日市藩前田氏、小幡藩織田氏、支配領主旗本長崎氏の主従にまで門下の列に 加えている。 なかでも流派念流の結社としての勢力を誇示したのが有名神社の社前において秘剣を披露し、師匠以下 門人名を列記した大額を奉納する儀礼であった。上野四社から江戸神田明神・浅草寺、鎌倉八幡、伊勢外 宮・内宮、遠く讃岐金刀比羅宮にまで足を運び、大枚を投じ奉額している。 このような現象は念流だけではなかった。千葉・斎藤・桃井の江戸三大道場と謳われた民間剣術流派の 盛業に顕著のように、幕藩領主に囲い込まれ、正統とされた剣術が衰退し、民間の剣術がこれに代わって 勃興していったことと軌を一にしたものであった。いわば幕藩秩序そのままの武士が独占する伝統守旧の 剣術から民間の活性化された在村剣術が掘り起こされて、身分制度の枠を打破して、武芸として百姓町人 までが入門、習練する時代が到来したのである。まさに戦国乱世の殺人剣から幕藩領主の子飼いの指南の 剣術を経て、新たに自衛のため、修行のための武芸に生まれ変わろうとしていた。もちろん武芸の大流行 は、念流が江戸から勢力拡大を図る北辰一刀流千葉周作と伊香保神社掲額をめぐって一髪触発のところま でいったように、諸流派の競合・対立を引き起こすことも多々あった。しかし、大勢は総じて流派間の共 存と連携を深めていったことの方が事実である。幕府法令からは民間の帯刀、剣術は厳禁されているが、 時代の武芸熱は冷めるどころか高揚し、諸流派を渡り歩く武者修行の旅が一般化していく。これを可能に したのが諸流派間を結び、連携する一種のネットワークの形成であったように思う。そこには支配秩序に 直結する武士のみならず姓名、諱まで名乗る武士風体の百姓・町人が多く含まれ、身分制度の壁を越えた 一大武芸の文化ネットワークが広がっていた。 剣術、武芸の歴史といえば、権力争奪に絡む殺伐とした合戦、暗殺、仇討ち、テロといった殺人剣を類 推する向きが多いが、平和の時代を背景に自己鍛錬の武芸として定着していったことを見落としてはなら ない。近代剣道に転換する素地はつくられていたのである。
小野瀬 剛志
スポーツ史研究 (ISSN:09151273)
vol.15, pp.61-71, 2002-03-08 (Released:2017-03-18)

The purpose of this study is to point out some problems pertaining to the viewpoint of "Japanese sports ideology" through this baseball controversy and to grasp the new viewpoint. The first point is that Japanese sports ideology tends to be described as a tradition-bound way of thinking. We discuss an aspect of baseball ideology that has been created while adjusting to some situations. The second point is that "play element" is said to be lacking in Japanese sports ideology. We discuss how it has been an important factor in the spread of baseball in Japan.
竹村 匡弥
スポーツ史研究 (ISSN:09151273)
vol.23, pp.39-53, 2010-03-31 (Released:2017-03-18)

There are three traditional accounts as to where Kappa, one of the legendary Japanese folk creatures comes from. From a folkloristics perspective, however, Kunio Yanagita claimed it was a degraded form of a water god. Supposing that claim is true, degradation will be the origin. There is, however, no mention of it in those accounts. In Nihon Shoki, the oldest official chronicle of Japan, there are two mentions of Nomino-sukune. These mentions are part of the "Emperor Suinin Jyou," a collection of events during the reign of Emperor Suinin; one is about the origin of sumo and the other is about the origin of haniwa, earthenware figures. In the early eighth century, "Sumaino-sechie" one of the Imperial Court ceremonies was set on the seventh day of the seventh month and sumo was held on the same day along with the Star Festival. According to the chronicle, "a sumo match between Nomino-sukune and Taimano-kehaya," took place on the seventh day of the seventh month in the seventh year of Emperor Suinin's reign. This intentional setting shows a clear reason for having "Sumaino-sechie" on the seventh day of the seventh month and having a poem-composing ceremony for the Star Festival and sumo on the same day. There must have been some sound reasons, but no documents showing this have not been found. This paper starts examining the intention by assuming that the prototype of the Star Festival was disgrace. The prototype of the Star Festival is the act of sacrificing animals and humans to the water god. In the Jindaiki section of Nihon Shoki. there are some evil acts by Susanoo (a god) mentioned. One of them was the act of throwing a skinned cow into a place where weaving was in process and thus hurt a weaving girl. It can be said that the account was described with the prototype of the Star Festival in mind. The evil acts by Susanoo are the origin of amatsu-tsumi or sin and are regarded as a disgrace, something to be purified. Thus, the prototype of the Star Festival was set as a disgrace. A disgrace means events or acts which are not in compliance with social order and that order is set by the ones in power. In due course, those events or acts will become something that must be purified. This paper lists the outlying regions that don't obey the ruler and the insurrection within the government as these examples. Designating the acts of disgrace gives justification to ruling that region and epuration of the insurrection, solidifying the authenticity of power. The existence of the poem-composing ceremony for the Star Festival on the seventh day of the seventh month can be confirmed by "Manyo-shyu" the oldest collection of poems. Also, the recognition of the prototype of the Star Festival can be confirmed by the fact that it was described as a motif of evil acts by Susanoo. That is, sacrificing animals and humans, which are ceremonies for a water god, become disgraceful. The origin of a water god degrading into Kappa is found here. Originally, "Sumaino-sechie" has been thought to have started as "the rite for governing outlying regions." This paper, however, regards it as a disgrace from the correlations between the beginning of "Sumaino-sechie" and "a sumo match between Nomino-sukune and Taimano-kehaya." If the origin of "Sumaino-sechie" is regarded as disgrace, it can be viewed as "the rite to remain in power against insurrection within the government" in addition to the traditional assumption as "the rite to subject the outlying region." It can be said that the intention for setting the sumo match on the seventh day of the seventh month was to show legitimacy for governing the outlying region.
榎本 鐘司
スポーツ史研究 (ISSN:09151273)
vol.7, pp.21-36, 1994-03-31 (Released:2017-03-18)

In the Edo period the peasants were prohibited by law from possessing weapons. Neverthless, the peasants already practiced Bujutsu in the first half of the Edo period. Documents of the MUSO-JIKIDEN Schools in the possession of the Takizawa family in a village in North Shinano have been found and analyzed by the present author. The purpose of this study is threefold:(1)To clarify what kinds of peasant in a village community practice the martial arts of the MUSO-JIKIDEN Schools. (2)To clarify what kind of Bujutsu they practice, that is to say, what is the MUSO-JIKIDEN Schools. (3)To clarify the purposes for which they practice it. Briefly, the main conclusions were as follows:(1)Many of the peasants that practiced the MUSO-JIKIDEN Schools were also the samurais of the lowest rank in the Matsushiro clan, that is to say, they were the marginal people in the villages. (2)The MUSO-JIKIDEN Schools was comprehensive bujutsu which was medieval. It consisted of jujutsu, bojutsu, iai, nawa, and so on. (3)The purpose of the MUSO-JIKIDEN Schools was primarily vocational educaion, but it was pastime and sport for many peasants in the villages.
山田 貴史
スポーツ史研究 (ISSN:09151273)
vol.17, pp.45-57, 2004-03-20 (Released:2017-03-18)

The purpose of this study is to contribute to clearing up the confusion about early period of KEIRIN, betting on bicycle races, in Japan (1948〜53). In this study, I studied the causes at the stadium riots and the social background in Japan during the early period of KEIRIN. The paper is organized in the following way. First, Several studies have been made for riots in KEIRIN stadiums. I examined the riots more closely. Second, I explained how "Bicycle Racing Law" which Law is the leg to foundation for KEIRIN was enacted. Third, I explained how KEIRN was managed at the time by local Japanese governments. Fourth, I described why the cyclist, the promoter and the audience were related to KEIRIN. The main results of this research are four points of the following. 1 I found out some causes except for the explanation until now. For example, a problem about a tipster by the promoters was founded. 2 Before enacted the "Bicycle Racing Law" which Law is the leg to foundation for KEIRIN, there was no debate in the Diet about essential matters such as how to manage the enterprise. Because the period until KEIRIN was founded was short and it began with the purpose of making up for lack the annual revenue of local Japanese government in the income of KEIRIN. 3 The local Japanese governments began KEIRIN without careful preparation. 4 The groups (cyclists, spectators, and promoters) were at odds. The audience had the purpose of the KEIRIN of the living costs working and the suppressed frustrated cancellation. Most of cyclists were thinking of the cyclists as the unused occupation.. The promoters had the purpose of the KEIRIN of the finance complementing.
綿貫 慶徳
スポーツ史研究 (ISSN:09151273)
vol.14, pp.39-53, 2001-02-20 (Released:2017-03-18)

The purpose of this study is to clarify how baseball events sponsored by newspaper companies have changed as way of sales promotion to aim at the course from amateur baseball events sponsored by Osaka-Asahi, Osaka-Mainichi to professional baseball events sponsored by Yomiuri. This study gives the following findings. 1.By Taisho age(1912〜1926), the terms for holding baseball event, for example, the spread and progress of baseball, commercialization of the press, appearence of mass society, progress of railroad line development projected by railway corporations, were prepared. 2.Osaka-Asahi and Osaka-Mainichi held amateur baseball events each other with same idea that was Ichiko-baseball thinking much of winning spiritualism and collective principle.But when each company concentrated on sales promotion harder and harder, that was reflected in their amateur baseball events and it became more and more difficult for each company to embody Ichiko-baseball.And the situation made a foundation to realize professional baseball. 3.In 1924, Matsutaro Shoriki took president′s post with Yomiuri.Shoriki made Yomiuri rapid progress with business strategy that integrate event news sales and advertisemennt.Shoriki made an effort to establish not only Tokyo Giants but Professional Baseball League.This business strategy was demonstrated by baseball events especially.So it is not too much to say that professional baseball was like a Yomiuri′s possession.Yomiuri also held professional baseball events to embody Ichiko-baseball.Though Osaka-Asahi and Osaka-Mainichi had Ichiko-baseball ideal, finally they held professional baseball events in 1937.as mentioned above, I could clarify that newspaper companies have held baseball events for sales promotion.
松井 良明
スポーツ史研究 (ISSN:09151273)
vol.2, pp.11-22, 1989-03-31 (Released:2017-03-17)

It is the history of the famous champions or of the big match records in the bare-knuckle prize fighting that has been considered in the former studies of boxing history in the nineteenth century England. But, on the other hand, the style of glove-boxing had been formed in England since Broughton introduced 'mufflers' around the middle of eighteenth century. That was the beginning of 'sparring'. It was demonstrated for the upper class by ex-champions or ex-pugilists as a lesson to learn 'the noble art of self-defence'. And after 1820s public house, tavern and sporting house supplied the places for 'sparring', and it was also performed by students in some public schools and universities. The utilities and justices of boxing insisted through the 'sparring' were three following points. (1)The utility as a method of self-defence. (2)The utility as a healthy exercise. (3)The justice as one of the athletics to compete the arts of boxing, not to fight. Therefore the historical meanings of 'sparring' are not only to take boxing-gloves in advance, but also(1)to continue a justice of boxing for practical use till the beginning of this century, and(2)to introduce an insistence that boxing is a healthy exercise as a basis of the new justice of boxing, further(3)to take in advance an idea that was asserted to deny a factor of 'fighting' in the boxing match under the progress of modern boxing style.
冨田 幸祐
スポーツ史研究 (ISSN:09151273)
vol.27, pp.43-59, 2014 (Released:2017-03-16)

The purpose of this study is to clarify British India national flag incident which occurred during the ninth Far Eastern Championship Games (FECG), and also to examine its historical meaning The flag incident is an incident that the Indian national team raised the Gandhi’s flag which is a symbol of the Indian independence movement from British rule, although the British side required the Indian team to display the Flag of the Governor-General of India. After the incident happened, it was reported in a number of newspapers. Whilst the Japanese newspapers mentioned that the confrontation between the two countries was resolved by using the Flag of the Governor-General of India, the English newspapers reported that both flags were raised on the roof of Nihon Seinenkan where the Indian team stayed during FECG. Even though there was some confusion over which flag was chosen, in actual fact both flags were raised. In addition, the Indian team appeared in the closing ceremony, holding both the Flag of the Governor-General of India and the Gandhi' s placards. Moreover, not only the Indian team , but also Indians living in Japan and the Japan National Party (Nihon Kokumintou ) were involved in the incident. The flag incident and placards express the Indian team’s dilemma over their independence and sports.
李 自力
スポーツ史研究 (ISSN:09151273)
vol.20, pp.67-80, 2007-03-15 (Released:2017-03-18)

Taijiquan is one of key elements in Chinese traditional cultures. People in China wish Taijiquan to be globalized and accepted world wide. So, today the country is making constant efforts to have Taijiquan included among Beijing Olympic Games. However, many difficult issues stand in its way. Birth of 24 Simplified From Taijiquan allows a lot of people to enjoy Taijiquan and the benefits of it are immeasurable. With this as a turning point, several Wushu competition forms were created, and the number of partitions increased rapidly. Meanwhile, traditional forms are losing their natural quality. Taijiquan also is in the wave of modernization. The purpose of this study is to explain the modernization of Taijiquan in China and the influence of the trend.
阿部 武尊
スポーツ史研究 (ISSN:09151273)
vol.30, pp.31-40, 2017 (Released:2018-06-20)

The purpose of this study is to clarify the process of labor negotiation by Japan Professional Baseball Players Association (JPBPA) in order to capture the change of the status of the players, who are the important persons concerned in the professional baseball world. This article focuses the period from 1993, when a free agent (FA) system was introduced to 2004, when the JPBPA went on strike for the first time in baseball history in Japan. After introduction of a FA system, the JPBPA continued to succeed in a certain level of improvement of the working conditions. And, since 1999, the JPBPA addressed the structural improvement of the baseball world as new movements. However, the Nippon Professional Baseball Organization (NPB) often made the player’s working conditions worse without the JPBPA’s recognitions. The worst of them was the baseball alignment in 2004. The JPBPA engaged in collective bargaining and strike with their legal rights as a labor union. As a result, they stopped reduction of the number of the clubs, stopped making their working conditions worse, and obtained the chances of discuss about structural improvements of Japanese professional baseball with the NPB. We should pay attention to having gained such achievements by the JPBPA under the condition which the NPB seems to lead the process of the negotiation.
阿部 武尊
スポーツ史研究 (ISSN:09151273)
vol.29, pp.15-25, 2016 (Released:2017-06-08)

The purpose of this study is to clarify the process of labor negotiation by Japan Professional Baseball Players Association in order to capture the change of the status of the players, who are the important persons concerned in the professional baseball world. This article focuses the period from 1985, when the Japan Professional Baseball Players Association (JPBPA) was established to 1993, when a free agent (FA) system was introduced. Recognized as a labor union by the Labor Relations Commission, the JPBPA obtained their legal right that they could negotiate with the Nippon Professional Baseball organization (NPB). As a result, the JPBPA succeeded in the improvement of the working conditions as they had wished since its foundation. In addition, JPBPA managed to reach the introduction of the FA system, which permits the freedom of the transfer of the player. However, due to the interest of each baseball clubs the players as combatant could not involve in decision making directly. As a result, the introduced FA system was different from the system that the JPBPA required in 1991, and limited players could exercise the right. However, the introduction of the FA system could be regarded as an epoch-making, in that it enables the players to negotiate with the baseball clubs equally viewpoint with the NPB by the freedom of the transfer of players being permitted. Furthermore, we should pay attention to having gained such rights by the JPBPA under the condition which the NPB seems to lead the process of the negotiation.