伊野波 佳介 TAN Ee Suan 和泉 遼太郎 武方 宏樹 竹村 明洋 磯村 尚子
日本ベントス学会誌 (ISSN:1345112X)
vol.76, pp.59-72, 2021

<p>Corals are known to synchronously undergo gonadal development during a period of 1 year and release gametes simultaneously during the spawning season. Synchronization of reproduction may be caused by changes in the external environment; particularly, the effects of light on reproduction have been extensively reported. In this study, we specifically focused on the type of wavelength, with the intention to elucidate whether there are wavelengths that promote reproduction in two <i>Acropora</i>. We exposed coral colonies to four types of light-emitting diode conditions with wavelengths suitable for keeping coral: "Coral," "Reef," "Fresh," and "Sunset," and monitored gamete maturation every 3 months, as well as the number of released gametes during the spawning season. In <i>A. intermedia</i>, "Sunset" conditions promoted gamete maturation; however, there was no spawning observed. In contrast, in <i>A. muricata</i>, the same conditions promoted a series of processes ranging from gamete maturation to gamete release. In "Fresh" and "Coral" conditions, gamete maturation was also promoted. "Sunset" condition is characterized by longer wavelengths within the red-light visible spectrum, which is relatively predominant in the shallow waters where the two target species live. Therefore, this indicates that these longer wavelengths represent a light stimulus that promotes reproduction. By contrast, gamete maturation was promoted by even shorter wavelengths in <i>A. muricata</i>; therefore, further experiments considering different light sensitivities among species and growth promotion through the photosynthesis of zooxanthellae are recommended. It is also suggested that, in addition to wavelength type, spawning may be affected by water temperature increase after winter season.</p>


外部データベース (DOI)

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トゲスギミドリイシAcropora intermediaとスギノキミドリイシA. muricataにおけるLED波長の繁殖への影響 : https://t.co/oPCswS2nDS

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